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Search results for query: *

  1. SaltyTheFrog


    I'm still here but I do not like the new layout. After I found "Languages" I continue to visit.
  2. SaltyTheFrog


    I have been off the IBM mainframe for a couple decades but we used to read what was called a "dump" and a S0C7 was rudimentary. Has that gone by the wayside? Maybe that was just for mainframes.
  3. SaltyTheFrog

    Check of valute change in text file

    Maybe: Do while Myvar = "1111
  4. SaltyTheFrog

    SPF / ISPF / PDF / SPF365 / etc. ALL about editing on mainframe and PC with mainframe look-alike

    It has been about thirty years since I used ISPF. I used to write ISPF dialogs, if they still exist, and modified many of the native screens to my liking. Then I'd reallocate the TSO batch session libraries to point at my modified versions. I had all that stuff backed up on those 3.5 disks...
  5. SaltyTheFrog

    Start in Sub Main()

    Properties, Application, uncheck "Enable Application Framework", and Form start up will change to object startup.
  6. SaltyTheFrog

    0.E0 ???

    I asked Bing: In COBOL, 0.E0 is a numeric literal that represents the value of 0.0 in scientific notation 1. Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. It is commonly used in scientific and engineering...
  7. SaltyTheFrog

    88 Usage Question

    Look at "Format2 - Multiple values" in the link: https://www.mainframestechhelp.com/tutorials/cobol/88-level-number.htm#google_vignette
  8. SaltyTheFrog

    Eliminate pesky [ ] in SQL Management Studio

    SaltyTheFrog, that's the link I've mentioned in my original post sad Oops...sorry!
  9. SaltyTheFrog

    Eliminate pesky [ ] in SQL Management Studio

    Check this out: https://am2.co/2018/07/removing-square-brackets-from-generated-ssms-scripts/
  10. SaltyTheFrog

    Legacy VB6 program

    I don't remember the exact situation but I remember we had to add a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.0 BackCompat Library" when we upgraded Windows.
  11. SaltyTheFrog

    Create a Form Via Code and Save

    This may not be what you are looking for but have a look at this link: https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?780521-Dynamically-Create-VB6-Form-With-Given-Name
  12. SaltyTheFrog

    Is "IF EXISTS()..." better than "IF (SELECT COUNT...) > 0"

    You should use IF EXISTS instead of SELECT COUNT(*) when checking only for the existence of any matching data values and when determining the number of matching rows is not required. IF EXISTS stops the processing of the select query as soon as the first matching row is found, whereas SELECT...
  13. SaltyTheFrog

    Reading large (over 8 Mb) ASCII files

    Is a SQL bulk import into a database and using an option?
  14. SaltyTheFrog

    Windows Forms Initial Size of Displayed Froms

    I would think ideally you would leave it up to the user to resize as they see fit. So make sure at it's smallest you can still view it and the same when it is at the largest.
  15. SaltyTheFrog

    Building multiple projects in one VS solution

    Are you clicking on "Rebuild All"?
  16. SaltyTheFrog

    VB.Net Group control boxes

    Your post made me curious. This answers it somewhat... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13864226/foreach-loop-over-textboxes-in-groupbox-iterates-in-reverse-order
  17. SaltyTheFrog

    select no. of rows from a table.

    I've been off the mainframe for close to twenty years now. Switched to Windows a year or two after Y2K. And I'm not nostalgic.
  18. SaltyTheFrog

    select no. of rows from a table.

    ISPF table? Is there such a thing? It has been about fifteen years or so since I was on an IBM mainframe but back then it was just a graphical interface. I get your point - I just haven't heard of ISPF in a long time. I wrote a Clist application and a COBOL application using it.
  19. SaltyTheFrog

    as if loading the listview twice

    Are you using the Form's name when referring to it from inside the form. That could kick off initialize I think.
  20. SaltyTheFrog

    very slow to create at run time listview

    Maybe look into BeginUpdate and EndUpdate Method https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.listview.beginupdate?view=windowsdesktop-6.0

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