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  • Users: timw
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  1. timw

    Java Password Validator

    Formulate a specific question regarding the specific difficulty you are having with your solution. Post the relevant bits of your code to support your question. I will warn you now, this site does not help people with coursework. However, I think that if you can demonstrate that you at least...
  2. timw

    Custom Dialog Layout

    I have done a lot of work using Swing layouts. I have typically in the past used a GridLayouts to do labels/input fields. If you have a BorderLayout on your top level planel, then add a subpanel with a GridLayout into its WEST area and another seubpanel with another GridLayout into its CENTER...
  3. timw

    Custom Dialog Layout

    I have stopped trying to build these kind of layouts using the native layout managers. I use this instead (http://www.miglayout.com/). I still use BorderLayout and FlowLayout for top-level placement, but label/fields and complex layouts are much easier using MigLayout. Tim
  4. timw

    Sending custom http headers through HttpClient

    The style and images will reside in separate resource files and these are fetched by the browser in separate requests on the web server. I'm somewhat rusty will all this, but you seem to be sending the redirected content to the client browser from your web context, and the resources referred to...
  5. timw

    Java Test Environment

    Oh crikey. Beginners do not normally want to be messing around with J2EE and application servers like JBoss. You are going to need to take this in stages, in my opinion. You will be aware of the many learning curves involved in just tackling straight Java (J2SE). Adding in J2EE and application...
  6. timw

    Tomcat Deployment

    Do not put your libs into server/lib. This is for jar libraries used by the tomcat container itself. Any jar which is to be made available to all web applications running in Tomcat should be placed in common/lib. Any jar which is to be used exclusively by a particular web application should live...
  7. timw

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

    Using the 'add external jar' in the Eclipse project's build path will allow Eclipse to see the jar for code compilation and running from within Eclipse. However, if this is a web application, then it figures that is will be run inside some servlet container such as Tomcat. By definition, any...
  8. timw

    Tomcat Deployment

    Does the war get deployed okay? You can use the 'manager' application (available from a link on the main http://localhost:9080/ page) to monitor what applications are successfully running within tomcat. Or you can check out the log files in D:\Tomcat2.0\apache-tomcat-5.5.20\logs. Have you...
  9. timw

    Why file.exists() returns false on Windows 2003 server?

    Good old 'user error', eh? :) Don't worry, we all do things like this more times than we'd like to admit. Tim
  10. timw

    Why file.exists() returns false on Windows 2003 server?

    Well, you could either try updating your version 1.5 to the latest build (which is 19, I believe), or download and try out Java 1.6. It's entirely possible that either of these might fix your issue. Tim
  11. timw

    main throws exception ...why

    It's entirely possible, like TonHu says, that there is some other Java program which executes the main method directly, and so could catch these exceptions where they to be thrown. It's not what I would call 'good practice', but the main method is just like any other static method when called...
  12. timw

    Why file.exists() returns false on Windows 2003 server?

    What release version of Java are you using? This does sound a bit like a bug in the JVM to me. Tim
  13. timw

    Programatically alter db table

    What persistence framework are you using? Tim
  14. timw

    How to set custom HTTP header for single sign on

    Hang on a mo. Sharon3874, in your servlet you're setting the http header in the response. But in the jsp you are querying the http header for the request. So the jsp will show null since it hasn't been set in the request, it's been set in the response. If the servlet delegates to the jsp to...
  15. timw

    Why file.exists() returns false on Windows 2003 server?

    zhangling, the -Xms64m -Xmx512m options are there to tell the JVM at startup that it can start with a memory heap of 64 megabytes, but that the heap must not grow beyond 512 megabytes. For such a simple, small, application these are not required. Tim
  16. timw

    Java iterator question

    Some musings :- You do not need to re-invent the wheel to iterate through any collection. Iteration over items in a collection is already done for you. You can either use the iterator() method to access an iterator, or use the new for( item : collection ) construct to iterator over the...
  17. timw

    2 simultaneous exceptions?

    The Java compilers and JVM are indeed very clever :) Tim
  18. timw

    Java Servlet

    I am glad you have found a way forward. Post back here if you get into any more difficulties. Tim
  19. timw

    2 simultaneous exceptions?

    I wouldn't say that 'finally' actually catches exceptions. Rather, all paths lead through the finally and if you throw any exceptions from within 'finally' they silently replace any other which is pending. Tim
  20. timw

    Java Servlet

    The biggest headache with Ajax is deciding which Ajax-library provider you want to use. Or if you are a JavaScript wiz, to do it all yourself. Basically, as Dian has said, you use the XMLHttpRequest object in Javascript in the browser to make an http request on the server. The servlet on the...

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