We had a meridian mail rel. box go down because of a hard drive problem. I used the linux/gnu dd cloning method to clone the meridian HD to another HD of the same seagate model HD, identical hardware. The clone finished successfully and the unit was placed back into the voice mail module and...
the overlay won't let me enter in a fake card slot for testing... SCH0582 "INPUT OUT OF RANGE"... I tried to use "12", an empty card slot in our expansion cabinet. (hehe)
Well crap... the maunal doesn't have an entry in it for a TDMI response. I guess it is safe to assume rls 23 doesn't...
The main location, has a rather large box, in fact, it is two boxes connected with fiber SSC cards. All voicemail is run from this box. The boxes at the remote locations are much smaller, each with about two analog and digtial cards a piece.
Here is general topology:
So, basically in a nutshell, with all my boxes with Rls 23... There is no why to do what I want to do. And since my vendor won't sell us an update to rls 25, then this PBX is pretty much useless in the current market environment?
-Richard C. Pangburn, Jr.
-Senior IT Administrator...
LD 22 did show me that I have 263 (basic QSIG), 305 (QSIG GF) and 316 (QSIG SS), that dlesap explained earlier. According to LD 22 PRT PKG, I have all 263, 305, 316. Does that mean that box does support QSIGo nly with certain types of hardware... (we use NTAK09DA and NTAK09BA's.)
Richard C...
Our regional vendor told us that we needed $60000 in upgrades software/voicemail/hardware in order to get this functionally to work on a system with rls 23 (because it is going end of life) This is unacceptable to us right now esp... and we really need the TIE functionality to be VoIP; if I can...
On another question thread that I started http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1268643. I asked a question about using VoIP TIES without Meridian knowing about it. What routers are recommended to do this? And... if asterisk is an option, anyone have any ideas on how this can be done...
How can I tell whether or not my Meridian Boxes have the QSIG package? I have three Meridian-1 Opt 11c's w/ Rls 23 software.
Thanks in advance!
-Richard C. Pangburn, Jr.
-Senior IT Administrator
-Boland-Maloney Enterprises, Inc.
I understand that, but doesn't that require a certain version meridian software in order to do that? I think our boxes have a certain variety of v24 meridian 11c software I am pretty sure doesn't support QSIG. I maybe wrong tho...
Richard C. Pangburn, Jr.
Senior IT Administrator...
This is a general question...
Currently, we are using NTAK09DA DTI/PRI cards, with CH 11 - CH 23 configured as a DCH, and multiplexed using a Digital Link DL100 multiplexer to dedicate our TIE lines from our location to the far end.
My question is, is there a way to configure two basic...
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