Micros 3700 version 3.2
Wanted to add Bucket on menu which is easy enough, can I itemize which 5 beers is being sold for the bucket price? Like 3 Bud light, 2 Miller etc.
Print closed check report is throwing a "autosequence xxxx has encountered a date range error...Failed to acquire specified date from source". Could this be related to db failing or possibly needs rebuilt? No idea why new errors are popping up and no one has touched system. Res 3700 version 3.2...
Now the print closed check report is throwing a "has encountered a date range error...Failed to acquire specified date from source".
I have poured over dozen manuals to no avail, is there a source online where I could learn more about the programming part of Micros 3700 Res 3.2?
Wildbar if...
MICROS1 AutoSeqServ | 7A8 | Autosequence 10211 step 1 of type X has encountered a date range error...Failed to acquire specified date from source. |
Step 1 is rotate log so set it to skip hence wanted to run it before bar opened to check out log file.
MICROS1 | AutoSeqServ | 7A8 | Scheduler...
oops autoseq 10211(EOD)is set to schedule class End of Day Report and schedule data type for that report is set to Days in Week with all days checked. Can I manually run that autoseq or can only be run by the start time set for end of day report which is 5 am?
I found no isl files, grammar worse than usual when in a hurry.
One last question when highlight the autosequence 10211 which is end of day, should the schedule class be end of week assigned?
Apparently credit card server went to off state late last night. Went in this morning and simply turned it back on via control panel. Maybe should bite the bullet and upgrade? $3200 gets me a switch,5 flash cards and upgrade from 3.2 to 5.2 believe on a new pc. Just have this feeling problems...
hmmm when checked autosequence 10211 which is the end of day, pretty sure end of week schedule class is assigned to it but my memory blows its been whole 2 days. Makes no sense to me, would think end of day schedule class would be the one assigned. Will check it out next time get a chance. Next...
Should the End of Week schedule class have all the days unchecked?
Port is set to use 5009 and did verify Network Node is correct. Would these interfaces not connecting have anything to do with End of Day autosequence not working?
backups no longer being done, credit cards not batching and couple other things, these are the errors I see in log below. The 3 interface messages are repeated frequently. I've searched and searched for any clues but no luck, support so far hasn't been able to help.
Thanks for any help.
Set for 30 days so that explains that, just wanted to thank you for the help. Micros did finally call back, apparently there is a new EJ Organizer for a measly 400 dollars or so can buy.
Will check that today thanks again.
On a side note wouldn't have a copy of ej organizer or know where can download it? Do have a call in with local micros dealer if ever calls back.
Opened Autosequences/Reports then Report tab. Labor? Then manually picked date range but there is presets i.e. previous pay period etc.
Top of sheet = Employee Time Card and Job Detail
bottom = Time_002.RPT v3.2.100
Wildbar - Yes and the Time and Attendance part of it they don't use.
@pmegan - Well that would explain the multiple clock-in/clock-out, assume each rvc is assigned to a individual workstation?
Today stopped by during lunch and found this.
Employee Time Card and Job Detail printed on 2/25/14...
We have a Micros 3700 ver 3.2 system installed in our bar. Last couple months when printing labor reports for payroll, seeing multiple clock in/clock outs for random employees, employee clocked in once and clocked out at end of shift. Suggestions where to go from here would be appreciated...
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