Yeah that's what I tought too. I check my firewall setting and it is pointing to the correct internal ip address.
I notice you said External MX. What do you mean by that?
I just point my internal MX record to the internal ip address of my exchange server, right?
Internal meaning in my local...
Yeah that's what I tought too. I check my firewall setting and it is pointing to the correct internal ip address.
I notice you said External MX. What do you mean by that?
I just point my internal MX record to the internal ip address of my exchange server, right?
I have one more problem:
I can send email to anyone Inside or Outside my network. But I am not able to recieve email from Outside.
Can you help me with that?
Thank You so very much. You have no idea how frustrating this was getting to be.Thanks a million.
One more thing.
On my Exchange Server Active Directory I can view all Computers. But on my Domain Controller Active Directory Users and Computers I am not able to view the Computers (Computer...
I had Exchange2000 running. I had to redo the Exchange server for naming reasons.
Old Name: abc123
New Name: 123abc
When I go to Outlook to change the server name to the new one, I get this message:
The name could not be resolved. The action could not be completed. I only get this message...
Oh Shit, I just did something very stupid.
In my active directory server I just went into the Active Directory Sites and Service, theie is two folders one is Sites and the other is Services, and under Services there was a Microsoft Exchange Folder, and guess what I deleted. Please don't ask...
Thank you so much for your reply. I think the number 2 is my problem.
How can I set my router to forward all the traffic for port 25 to my internal domain?
I have a cisco 2500 router.
I am able to sent email out to anyone, but I CAN NOT recieve email from outside. (Hotmail, yahoo, or anyother email from the internet.
Can someone please help me?
Thank you so much for the quick reply.
I have another question.
The ISP that is hosting my email right now, do I need to tell them anything? IF I do what is it that I have to ask them to do at their end so emails can start coming in here in my exchange server without loosing any emails...
I just finished installing MS Exchange2000. I have it up and runing.
I have an ISP haddeling all my users email IP:
I would like to drop the ISP and have all the emails for the users go to IP:
What do i need to do to get this done.
I have a windows 2000 server running with Active Directory wich has DNS, WINS, and DHCP running. I have another WIN2K server where I will like to get Microsoft Echange Server 2000 (MSE2K) install and configured to send and receive email for like about 65 Users. Also have the user read their...
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