I'm trying to create an installer for my client that utilizes ADO/SQL technology. ADO as I understand needs MDAC. And Windows2000 comes with MDAC, but 98 and ME do not. I am having troubles installing MDAC with our package. Is there an easier way so that I can just copy some .dll files or...
Dakota, I highly suggest using ADO. I wrote a piece of software that does that same very thing. Just scans a .dbf and inserts it into a sql database. Check out this link...
I'm Using ADO with VFP to connect and modify my SQL 2000 databases. Workstations that arent windows 2000 dont have MDAC. Yet MDAC is HUGE!! 8 megs.. is most of the install just extra files? all i need it to do is a direct SQl connection.. is there a smaller distribution?? 8 megs is quite...
Ya, I use basically the same exact code now... and Krisb I cant use the ODBC util because i wanted to create a dynamic connection as noted above. ADO works very nicely. :-)
Its not a property of the control. Thats why im confused. If it was ied just set it. In the example for this control it says nothing bout it. and i searched for the variable/property and found little about it. Im confused.
When I try to do a ThisForm.Adodatacontrol1..refreshrecordset
I get a error saying adStateConnecting doesnt exist...
here the code from the ADOdatacontrol object...
any ideas why?? bad connection string? I'm lost here guys..
*-- Loop until we connect
DO WHILE This.Connection.State =...
Sorry just one more thing, now that im using ADO how do I know what data types can go in which SQL fields?? i know theres a .type and .DefinedSize properties.. but the .type is a number? Where can i find the conversion??
Thats what I was trying to get around... I wanted to be able to create my own connections on the fly.. its a very good thing to be able to do with a client thats going to be widely distributed.. so the server can be reconfigured on the fly using the client.. I am now using ADO just fine...
Ok, sorry for posting all this stuff and then changeing my mind. I have ADO working with a DNS-less connection string. I can access data. With something like
orecordset.Fields("id").Value ok? How could i take this record and slap it onto a grid? I've tried just setting the data...
Thanks, ya I coudlnt seem to find ONE example that didnt use a DSN. I really appreciate it. Is there any advantage of using ADO or RDS?? How does RDS connect to the SQL server through the webserver?? Actually nevermind, ADO is obviously the way to go.
Thanks again.
Here is the code im testing out? why doesnt it work??
it also doesnt provide for user name / password..
it seems no matter what I try here nothing really works for a dynamic connection to a SQL server.. I fail to see why its so hard to create a connection to a server and mess with some data...
I read the article entirely. Very interesting, yet I'm still highly confused. For one, I am trying to connect to my SQL 2000 server WITH NO ODBC DSN. I am trying to connect with a string so I can load alternate SQL servers and or usernames/passwd's for those servers at runtime. ADO seems to...
Psh i sure wish I know how to implement/what ADO is.. i know ASP uses it... wanna point me to some resources??
I have 12 days to figure this out and turn it into a working sample... so im kinda freakin out over here never doing this before.
I am trying to create a SQL that uses JUST a SQLSTRINGCONNECT() to access the SQL server. I cant open the view when I dont have a connection inculded with the project. this is the code im trying to use for now...
store SQLSTRINGCONNECT("driver={SQL...
I have a fully working view with my SQL server. I display the results on a grid. I wish to add a new record to I have a button with just
in it
i then type in values in the grid and when i try to tableupdate() the SQl server says that im trying to insert the value null into a...
Ok, sorry I was just not understanding what you were saying.. thanks alot. any ideas on why SQL thinks in trying to insert null values when they arent null in my grid?
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