Nothing like an image or other binary file in this report. Just standard text. But you may be onto something about the sections or margins resizing themselves automatically. I'm going to play around with the "Fit Section" and "Suppress Blank Section" of the report headers...
I wish it were that easy, Naith. I checked both Print options on the Crystal Reports file and the Printer and they are both set for 8.5 x 11 landscape. Any other ideas?
I'm in dire straits with this Crystal Reports error I keep getting. The error is #20595 and it doesn't appear in any of the Crystal Reports developer help files. (They don't appear to list any errors beyond 20500-20557) The descriptive text that comes along with the error # is "Invalid...
I am trying to create a custom control (fraChoice) in VB5. It consists of a frame and 3 option buttons. It want to use fraChoice on a form as a "Yes/No/Not Applicable" selector. However, when I test the control in project mode on a form (Form1), it won't let me choose (click on) any...
I use the percent operator for a customized formula field to give me the percent of two values. However, the results give me trailing decimal places which I do not want. For example, let's say x = 13 and y = 17. The formula field with the percent operator (x % y) gives me 76.47%. I only want...
I was hoping someone out there could help me out.
I'm using CR7 in a VB5 application to generate a report based on records in a MS Access database but only populates those based on a specific date range. CR7 has a neat feature that let's you specify specific parameter values (for example, date...
I use a report in VB (created in Cystal Reports Version 7.0) that have grouped and detailed values. There is a neat feature (drilling-down) you can utilize where you can isolate any particular grouped data (and corresponding details) to appear by itself on the report by double-clicking on the...
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