Thanks to everyone who replied to this query, I found out what the problem was, and want to share this info:
Did you make the SMS service account (standard security) or
SiteServerComputer$ account (advanced security) a member of the local admins
group on the remote distribution point?
I have tried like u suggested removing the dp with distribution point wizard, and adding them back again, but still same errors:
Component status message: SMS Distribution Manager failed to process package "Acrobat Writer" (package ID = A5300001).
Package Status: "State": Install retrying...
Thanks very much, problem is now resolved, you were right there was no communication, so I uninstalled MP, and IIS following this procedure listed:;en-us;883983
The system management is now fully populated and installed.
I have another issue now...
Tim B, thanks for your reply, this is part the contents of
**ERROR: Cannot find destination inbox for Discovery Data Manager (Trusted) on server WIN23K $$<SMS_MP_FILE_DISPATCH_MANAGER><Mon Sep 12 19:44:31.109 2005 GMT Daylight Time><thread=3520 (0xDC0)>
~Cannot update environment...
I have sms 2003 configured for a single site with all the discovery methods, as well as client agents configured. Also I have sit boundaries configured for my subnet.
All myclients have been manually installed with the client agents, and are auto detecting the sms site code ok.
In my all...
Hi, I've a Nokia IP330 box, in distributed mode, I've my primary management console working ok, I have now deployed a secondary Management server on a different machine, but can't seem to be able to even logon, I receive message:
"connection cannot be initiated.
Make sure that the server xxxxx...
Hi Anyone out there, I'm trying to upgrade the package on my IP330 firewall from FW-1 to FG-NG or higher.
Please has anyone got this package, I presume it's CP_FP2_ISO.tgz, I'm willing to swap or pay for this.
Hope to hear from someone soon
Please feel free to email me...
That really helped, yes you're right I did choose the wrong options.
I'm new to Nokia, just got myself a Nokia IP330 firewall.
One more thing, the version of checkpoint on my Nokia box is FW-1 Version 4.1, running IPSO 3.6, and I running Checkpoint Firewall FP4 with AI as my Management...
Hi guys, hope you can help.
I have a Nokia IP330, the first time I ran cpconfig, it went through the configuration stages i.e. asking me if I wanted distributed intallation or integrated etc
After this process is completed obviously now when I run cpconfig, it brings up a menu screen where I...
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