Thanks again guys. I think that I might be able to get V2.6 from my old machine to the newer one now. I have an external cd burner that works on the old machine and the new computer has a RW CD/dvd drive. So maybe, by one method or another, I can it onto the new one.
Thanks for your time and...
Thanks all, for the information on getting replacement disks for foxpro2.6.
My disks are 3 1/2 " and there are a total of seven in the set. The disk assy numbers begin with 215-051-373 and run through 215-051-379.
But I also am now wondering if it will even run on Windows XP because I...
Regarding FoxPro v. 2.6, I recently had a hard disk crash and found that my original program disk # 7 (1 of 7) is corrupt. Is there anyway to legally obtain a new set of program disks? These are at least 8 years old.
Yes, I had a back up but I also had a fire.
Any info would be appreciated
I have used Foxpro 2.6a for years to do mail merges with MS Word for direct mail advertising purposes. I use Foxpro to access data that I purchase from a State Government Agency. This data contains dates and we query the information in the database by date. We then time our mailings based on...
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