about your problem withe the maxstor hard disk , why dont you try to use the maxtor disk maneger you can found it at your local pc adviser or you can download it from maxtor site on the internet , once you have it you can run the dm.exe file
Hi, I have really beginners' question but the problem is driving me nuts so if someone find few minutes to answer me, I'd appreciate that.
The problem:
I want to send e-mail through simple mailto function in JS. I do want to pass the required data like recipient, subject & body to whatever...
No, I have this:
<script language = javascript>
function recalc(..
htmstr= <form .......onClick... /form>
then a loop (i), variables(look above), condition and in this {
write.document (htmstr)
!!!! How could I accees the value of quantity[i] from here ? !!!!?
:) yes, (looking for soap to wash my tongue). I knew I left out something fundamental: <form> tag
BUT :(
now I add it and I assigned alert to onClick command and names of form turned out fine (quantity1, quantity2), values are fine, if I change the field and click button alert displays new...
1. HTML file
function izdelek(ime,kup,kol)
this.ime = ime
this.kup = kup
this.kol = kol
var izd = new Array();
izd[++count]=new izdelek ("rang",0,2) (sample for 'izd')
--- 2. called file from 1. HTML file -----------------------------------------------------
I have same basic (beginner's) problem with JS.
sample from the JS ....
function recalc(form)
for ... {
var quantity;
XXX: quantity=eval("form.quantity"+i+".value")...
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