Really! Because, I am in the process of setting up 2003 SBS. The domain is new for example (, if the wizard is going to walk me through it that's even better.
Have a bit of a problem. I have a new server and a working domain. How do I setup DNS? DOes the domain controller get setup first? I plan to setup atleast a file server and possibly active directory... if all goes well. Thanks in advance!
An update to this issue. The RSS to HTML conversion works. I'm still having trouble including the output in HTML pages (<!-- #include -->), I have an idea of what to do to fix that though.
I am having trouble displaying the output in flash movies. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you for that information. I don't think it applies to what I am trying to do. Let me explain a little better what that is.
I'm trying to embed a flash movie in an ASP page that will output test aggregated from an RSS feed. I'm using code from ByteScout which you may have heard of, the...
Whats up all.
I have an ASP page that pulls data from an RSS news feed in XML and should output it to HTML form in a nice little flash movie. The flash movie is simple it just rolls up the screen.
When I setup the ASP page which I got from someone else I had to change the objects around to...
Whats up all. I have an ASP page that pulls data from an RSS news feed in XML and should output it to HTML form in a nice little flash movie. The flash movie is simple it just rolls up the screen.
When I setup the ASP page which I got from someone else I had to change the objects around to use...
...displays them, changing one field into a link to a form, something like this:
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "SELECT * FROM customers",conn
<h2>List Database</h2>
<table border="1" width="100%">
for each x in rs.Fields
response.write("<th>" &...
Does anyone either have or know where I can find the object mappings to the WMI Service objects? I have found the mappings to the ADSI Service mapping for Active Directory, now I just need the mappings for WMI.
It returns "Update Record!... CID 13" when I use the error reporting you recommended. Which should be a good thing, right? Also, if I do:
if Request.form("fname")<>"" then
wouldn't it search the records after the field is populated?Because, right now it won't even display the...
Well, I tried what you said (both the error reporting and the SQL select). Now it thinks it's working. I checked the database and it didn't update the record. It also returned the wrong CID number when it said it updated.
Am I missing something? Should I use more arguments to define the record...
Thanks for the quick reply! When I use this:
if Request.form("fname")="" then
I think it displays the blank form without any preset values (which is what it should do). I'm not at that PC now, I'll what you suggested when I am though and see what it does.
...ad1UpdStr= Request.Form("address1")
if Request.form("fname")="" then
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE fname='" & fnUpdStr & "' AND lname='" & lnUpdStr & "' AND address1='" & ad1UpdStr & "'",conn
'display the form
<form method="post"...
I have a flash movie that I created from a template. It's saved in Flash 6. I can usually save a flash already in html code and make minor changes but this flash is in raw movie format (.fla file format). How can I integrate it to my web page? Does it have to be in .swf file format? Any...
Sorry, my mistake. I have tried the:
<!-- #include virtual="folder/example.asp"-->
and the:
<!-- #include file="example.asp"-->
and I know the ASP file is located in the same directory as the HTML page it should display on. It's not showing anything with either. Can it be outside the <BODY>...
Ok, guys. I have an ASP scripted page that has been working as an RSS to HTML feed. It converts my RSS feeds without fail on it's own page. I cannot seem to display some of the feed items on a different page using #include (exact code) below). Any suggestions?
<!-- #include...
Thanks guys. I finally found a handler that is working to an extent, still have a little work to do with it yet. if your interested in this topic, let me know I'll post the complete working code. Thanks again! I've implemented your advice and in some ways it helped.
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