Anyone receiving the following error in the System Event Log under Security, this occurs whenever the 2050 soft-phone is fired up, in fact you might be getting this and haven’t checked. The error occurs at the rate of around 50/second.
Audit Failure | Microsoft Windows security auditing | 4673...
Thanks, gwebster, I was torn which forum to post it under as we used the 2050 softphone in conjunction with the Avaya Aura Agent Desktop (AAAD which used to be CCAD) application. I'm not sure what CA Aura is? So I threw this into this forum in case others use the 2050 with AAAD, however, the...
Anyone receiving the following error in the System Event Log under Security, this occurs whenever the 2050 soft-phone is fired up, in fact you might be getting this and haven’t checked. The error occurs at the rate of around 50/second.
Audit Failure | Microsoft Windows security auditing | 4673...
I finally got our DB Admin to create views to the tables I use in my reports and I'm not sure if this help or the fact that he added a (nolock) option to view. Anyway, so far this seems to be working.
Very interesting Turkbear. I'm not sure why one report would hit the primary index and the other hits the index, the only thing I see different is that the report that hits the index has 1 table joined to a table called call_req whereas the other has 4 tables joined to the call_req table...
I'll pass this on to our dba, it won't go far... straight to his trash can, he pretty much said 'you figure it out'. I want him to create views to the tables I hit to see if that helps (when he figures out how to do this). Stored procedures would follow if that fails. One more quick...
Sorry, yes I'm using SQL Server database, or should I say our db group is. I can go into SQL Enterprise Manager while running a lengthy report.. say 10 mins to complete, then go into Management/Locks/Process ID and there it is, shows a SPID and next to it "blocking". I click this spid and it...
I really need help with this issue, I can't find much info anywhere that helps to solve this.
I recently upgraded from crw8 to crw10 and of course after converting reports and placing them into production I now discovered that crw10 will place locks (blocking) on the SQL tables it is using. I...
Wow, so nobody has run into this, perhaps I'm the only one hitting a production db. How about using the 'no block' statement, is this a global statement that can be added at the beginning of the select statement or does it get added to each reference?
I recently upgraded from crystal 8 to 10 and discovered a big issue, crystal 10 is blocking the SQL tables in which it pulls data from. My tests show that all is okay in SQL until an application attempts to update a table being used by crw10 and bam!! 'blocking'.
I guess my best bet is to...
Thanks lbass, confirms that this option doesn't exist at least on v10. What you suggested is kind of what I do now, using another application I hit the database and export to a text file all depts that start with IT. From here, I go into the parameter, click default values, and select my text...
...has been answered in a previous post but I’m not finding it. I see stuff on creating a record selection formula such as ‘if {?group} like ‘IT-Secur*’ then…” but this leaves too much room for error if people don’t type the name correctly. Maybe I’m not using the record selection formula...
This might help someone so I'll post my fix. As it turns out the 0x at the beginning of the number is not needed in the formula. When I ran SQL Query Analizer to extract the group_id it came back with 0x....... so this is what I used in my formula. Probably common knowledge to everyone else...
Crystal 10
SQL 2000 db
I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong as I just upgraded to Crystal v10 from v8 plus we I'm now dealing with binary values in our SQL db. I started slowly by converting a very basic report and that didn't pay off. The selection formula I'm using is...
Not sure if this is possible with CR8 pulling from a SQL db, maybe I need CR9 or 10, if so say the word. When running certain reports there are 25 departments that might want to see data specific to their department only. As to editing reports to always add new departments I wanted something...
I think I have a work around for this. There apprears to be a pattern to the numbers this system is using which means I build "if - then" statments such as:
if '1-156' then Hardware>Printer else
if '1-156-201' then Hardware>Printer>HP else
if '1-156-204' then Hardware>Printer>NCR else
... and...
Thanks everyone, like Hilfy said, 'if statements' search until they find a true condition and then stop. I was hoping there might be a more robust statement other than 'if'.
Synapsevampire, the order of the if statements didn't make a difference, either way it will come to one of the first...
What I tried to do was create a Formula Field to convert those numbers into a text value using this:
if {INDEX.RELATIONAL_ID} like '*-55*' then 'SDT' else
if {INDEX.RELATIONAL_ID} like '*-156*' then '>Printer' else
if {INDEX.RELATIONAL_ID} like '*-167*' then '>Modem' else
I think I figured something out, using the following formula I'm able to now group by month:
MonthName (Month (PDMTimeToDateTime ({need_by})))
So far so good, the only issue to overcome - multiple tickets created in the same month but different year.
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