I want connect my application web using oledb with mysql database and appear this error:
The provider "MySqlProv" is not register on your computer local.
How register this provider?
I want to do this proyect?
Is possible generated the content for gridview for show, from emails?
for example:
I write a message with subject "sale a car" and the body I write "I sale a car in $2500.....". Now another person, review an aplication web from any computer and he/she will be...
Hi everyone...
I did my application flash but when I publish in my web site, appear message over the application and say it:
"Click to enable for activate for use this control"
Why reason appear this message?
I'm using Flash 8 Professional..
thanks for response...
My question is so sometimes, I have make backup to only users because I make a backup for all database, take several time.
What command I can use for do it a backup for any user o table specfic?
Any command in SQL*PLUS?
I review in a manual Oracle of Internet, the command export (exp) and the import (imp), but when I open the SQL*PLUS, write these commands but appear this message (unknown). I have installed Oracle 9i
How can I a backup for an user X or tables?
I need find this information why I'm studing Oracle Database and I want to learn use correctly Oracle!!
I'm sorry if write very wrong the English!!!
I'm studing Oracle Database and I'm doing a investigation of University.
I need information about it:
what command I use for startup the Dabatase?
How I do a Backup an Restore of Database? what it is command?
Thanks for help..
I'm sorry if write very bad the english.
I'm studing Oracle and I'm looking the concept, content, what are...!! the files PFILE and SFILE in Oracle....
I'm sorry if I write bad the english!!!
I have two server (Server1 and Server2) with Windows Server 2003 and I want to do backup online, so, if any user modify any file in (Server1), that change should affect to another server (Server 2) too.
Some people told me than use the utility...
thanks por response..
I'm using TrendMicro how antivirus and antispam. I have problems when I recieve emails from my server.
But I check the antivirus and I don't find the problem.
thanks for response...
So, a user can multiple tablespaces? in the Manager Oracle, where can I set than an user have multiple tablespaces? because the moment of create an user, only appear a one tablespace.....
I need to know this basic information for create my database in Oracle.
I'm sorry if I don't write very well the english..
I have installed Windows XP pro with SP1. Sometimes when my connect to my server for review my emals with OutLook Express, in the options account, in the properties, I find so the value POP3 (should to be a number IP), always change for...
Hi all
I'm sorry but I don't write very well the english!!
Is possible a user may to have many tablespaces or only one tablespaces? and why reason?
Hi everyone..
Sorry, I don't write english very well!!!
I have my gridview from Database Informix. I want so a column of gridview I can to send email (it depending if it found any value in the database).
I'm trying of use mailto: but not fuctionally!!
How ca i do it??
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