Just a few hints to get you started: Hopefully, your source data is not in Word but a text document. If it is truly a Word document, save it as a text document first. Then, you can import it easily into Excel. Then you should be able to manipulate the time stamp into useable data. Look up...
I am using a class module to do some FTP work from a VBA application. The classmodule uses the "FtpFindFirstFileA" function in wininet.dll. It returnes the following:
Private Type FILETIME
dwLowDateTime As Long
dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type
Private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA...
When editing the .openwin-menu file, if you make an error, it will default to "default" file. When this situation happens, after fixing the error in the .openwin-menu file, how do you get Openwin to revert back to the .openwin-menu file?
Here is a summery of the code:
Open FPath For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, Single_Line
Close #1
Unix uses only a LF (Chr 10), which is not recognized by VBA as a line brake. When this code runs, it only takes 1 pass to read the entire...
I am trying to use RSH in my VBA app. Can you tell me how you did it? I resorted to using the shell command to run it, but I am sure there is a better way.
How can you change the line delimiter that vba uses for the “read line” command? I am trying to read data files generated in a Unix environment, which only uses LF, not the CRLF that VBA is looking for.
Making graphs in Excel 97 has random behavior
I am trying to make code that will generate graphs in VBA. But when I make a new graph, every other time I make a new graph, it will put a series 1 in the graph. And then the series 1 will usually a random copy of another series on another graph...
Not sure what you are asking. To make a multi line msgbox use vbCrLf (see also vbCr and vbLf) To split a line of code on two lines, end the first line with a space and then a under score " _"
Sub example()
MsgBox "This is line 1" & vbCrLf & "This is line 2"...
Had a recent issue on a Sparc 5 with the vfstab file. The machine had 2 hd’s in it. The boot drive was target 1 (upper slot). The drive at target 3 (lower slot) was unused and needed to be removed because it was making loud noises. When I removed it, I moved the drive that was at target 1...
I would like to use RSH protocol inside a VBA app. I was hopping that someone might know of a class module that can do this for me. I am currently using the shell command and rsh.exe. It works, but is not desirable. I will admit to being new to using .dll's so any help or direction would be...
I have a Sparc 5 system with a tape drive connected to the external scsi port. When I installed a second internal harddrive (top slot), I could not get the drive to work correctly unless the tape drive was disconnected. The scsi ID's are different. (I think the 2nd hard drive is using 1 and...
How do you handle Run-time error '1004'? I ave gotten it under several different cases. There is the one I am having issues with now.
I am trying to write a loop that goes trough all Series of all graphs in a workbook, and only act on ones names "Spec". I am using te following...
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