well no one acutally roams, my predecesor put this in place so that people will be able to migrate, desktop settings and my docs to a new pc in case the old one crashed or gets lost.
Also how cna i say dont backup Access files?
i am going crazy, I work at a company with 50 concurrent users max, and my boss is adament about Roaming profiles.
I wnat to make it so Roaming profiles only backups desktop, my docs, and windows profile ( not a requirement) , I ma having sync issues especialyl with some people having...
THanks, I think the problem has just gotten larger. for some reason in exhcnage system mananger when I open public folders I get a SSL error.
So I am trouble shooting that.
at this point
I am running outlook 2007, but my server is SBS 2003, I am trying to make a public calender so my "corporate Admin" staff can see it , I want 5 people to be able to access it and I want another 25 people to be able to see it. I know this is probably simple. Any help would be greatly...
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