Hi Dave,
"Suspicious" items as identified and removed by Web Defender: QuickLinks, Adware-Webnexus, Deal Helper, Find the Website You Need, Target Saver, Adware-Qoologic, Dollar Revenue, Small i36, Start-up.Name(?), Downloader ATD. I scribbled down these names since I didn't do a print...
I downloaded Windows Defender from the Microsoft website, ran it on the problem computer. It found 10 suspicious files and deleted them.
The Foxpro app that wouldn't load before now loads correctly.
Good luck to you all who have been struggling with this - I hope this solves the problem for...
Hi Peter -
I tried the compatibility test and didn't have any luck.
I also looked at the Windows components that were installed - compared them to XP machines where the program runs correctly but didn't see any differences.
Someone must have solved this problem....
Thanks for your...
I work in an office where we have about 30 computers running a 2.6 exe application.
Two new computers with XP were just installed and now the app won't load. Along with other posts in this thread, it starts to load - flashes on the screen, then goes back to the desktop.
Has anyone...
This didn't do the trick but they are getting a new computer in the next month so we're going to hope that with the new computer, the problem will be solved.
Thanks for all your suggestions - I'm in Oregon and the client is in Michigan; it would be easier to troubleshoot onsite.
I tried list to print from the command window (both before and after issuing "set printer to lpt1")
The user said it also could be connected USB, will probably try that tomorrow.
Thanks again.
Sorry to have left out the obvious - other apps (Word, Excel, email) print to the printer.
The drivers are on the 98 machine. Noone else on the network uses this printer.
This app prints to many other printers on other networks in three different locations so I don't think there is...
My client just installed an HP Deskjet 5600 and the Foxpro 2.6 program which has been working fine for about 8 years will no longer print to the printer.
Her machine is running Windows 98, I think the network is either Windows 2000 or 2003.
The port is lpt1 (I believe it says "ECP" before...
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