I know this post was a few years back, but did you ever find a solution?
I too have a quarantine file that is growing and won't seem to shrink even when I "purge" it from within the quarantine manager.
Jim Coates
Hello all...
I'm trying to setup a new XP Pro machine for use on our NT4 network. I DO NOT want the user to have admin rights to the entire network, but I DO want them to have admin rights to their machine... I can't seem to get it to do one without the other...
Any suggestions?
Hello all..
I've got an application written and ready to go, but need to setup installation so that it will read the database files and the runtime files from a network directory (because we are running Citrix as well as local clients).
I don't see anywhere in the setup wizard about a way to...
I'm not sure I am following you...
Basically I've got this going on...
for i = 1 to 20
cLabel = "thisform.label" + alltrim(str(i))
cCombo = "thisform.label" + alltrim(str(i))
&cLabel..caption = etc.
&cCombo..rowsource = etc.
I want to...
Hello once again...
One more issue to work through. Chpicker helped me set up some macros for an application that work very well... however I would like to set up DblClick events for each of 20 captions on a form. Each will run the same procedure/function but will pass it the caption...
That worked... thanks...
Let me ask you one more thing. One my form, I'm replacing the caption value of 20 some drop downs...
Is there a way to do this in a loop?
Right now I'm doing:
thisform.label1.caption = blah
thisform.label2.caption = blah
I'd like to do:
for i = 1 to 20...
I've written some routines that place a series of pieces of information into a memo field. However, I would like to be able to pull individual chunks back out.
Let me explain better... the user may select "silver" for the option from "choose metal type" on a form...
In order to do that I can't have this as a top level form though correct?
Could I close the form as part of a "click" method? Would that achieve the same result?
Sorry to be such a newbie on this... but it acts very differently than the 2.6 world I'm used to.
ok... here's the order of the program...
setup.prg calls the form "setup".
Setup (form) contains three buttons, one to exit, one to edit and one to browse (each calls a different routine or form). It was manually created using the form editor and is set to the default data...
Sorry I'm not following you...
Which line should I take out? I didn't add anything that its showing errors on, that's all from the wizard.
I actually haven't set any buffering manually... I created the main form using the form wizard... so the buffering and such must be setup as a part of the button row that the wizard adds to the form.
The purpose of the form IS to make changes to the master database, but even if I...
I do still have one issue though...
Now when I get to my second form, none of my data is showing up...
And when I try to exit, I get:
=CursorSetProp("buffering,THIS.oldBuffering,aTablesUsed[m.i,1]) &&optimistic table buffering
Error: 1545
Table buffer for alias 'master' contains...
Nevermind... I found my issue.
I went to add you code to the ORIGINAL form to see what data set it was using... and low and behold when I opened the "init" method, I found a "close data" in it.
Right now the startup is very simple...
"close data
use data\master alias master in 0 shared
use data\materials alias material in 0 shared
do form startup"
I should add that my "startup" form DOES call another form and that is the form I am getting the errors...
I do indeed have it set to the default data session... but I still cannot call the alias names unless I go in and add them to the actual forms data environment.
For example... in the startup I am calling:
use materials.dbf alias material in 0 shared
then within the form I do some...
Hello all;
I've got quite a bit of 2.6 experience, but am fairly new to setting things up in Vfox6... I am trying to open databases in a startup program (startup.prg if you will)... and then use these databases to display fields within my forms (also called from startup.prg)... however, it...
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