Thanks for the response ArtiChoke unfortunately the problem did not go away I am still getting this same error. The only difference between this machine and the others is it has office 97 instead of office xp would that be part of the problem.
I just distributed a vb app that uses a flex grid to 10 users. It works fine for all of the users except 1. On his machine I get an error-
372Failed to load control 'MSFlexGrid' from Msflxgrd.ocx. Your version of Msflxgrd.ocx may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the...
I guess I don't understand your question.
The message box is being called from a dialog box. When the message box is called the dialog box is hidden and the main form is shown with the message box over it.
hi all,
I have an app that I am working on. When I use a msgbox vb hides the form that was open and shows the first form. My code is
msgbox "invalid date", vbokonly, "invalid date"
Does anyone know why this is happening and what work around there is to it?
I have a query that pulls from a table with a date field called date. In the query I have another field that I want only the name of the month of the date field. When I use month([date]) the month is correct but only gives me the number. When I use format(month([date])."mmmm") it...
Hi all
I have a database that tracks what step in are workflow a project is in. on the form there are 5 buttons and 5 textboxes. The comand buttons are named cmdbtstep1, cmdbtstep2 through cmdbtstep5. The text boxes are txtstep1.
I have the following code attacted to the buttons
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