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  1. DirkStruan

    Favorite Quotes

    Dirk Everything useful perishes through use....Should I not rejoice at being useless?
  2. DirkStruan

    Excel - Hyperlinck - Macro

    Hi Stefaan I think you should have posted this one in the VBA forum 707, but here#s what I would do. First set up a user defined function to return the name of the sheets in your workbook. Function shtname(indx) shtname = Sheets(indx).Name End Function Next, on your summary page list the...
  3. DirkStruan


    Your first post says Meaning you are trying to return the second column entry in a single column range, hence the #REF! Blue's answer refers to both columns A & B on Sheet2. Dirk Everything useful perishes through use....Should I not rejoice at being useless?
  4. DirkStruan

    Search for string in range of cells

    ...i.e. if you were turning B2 red in colour just select B2, Format/conditional formatting then change the drop down on the left to Formula is... and enter =IF(COUNTIF(C3:C100,"=*red*")>0,1,0) as the condition (using John's answer as an example) and set what you want to happen on the true event. D
  5. DirkStruan

    Over-reliance on TLA's makes me PDP!!

    Here's Websters definition. So I would have to say that they are Initialisms (or whatever), but this seems to be a subset of acronyms, therefore they are acronyms by extension. Pedantic? Definitely! ;-)
  6. DirkStruan

    Excel "random" formula

    ...up. Put a 1 in AA1, a 2 in AB1 etc as far as you need to go across. Then in AA2 (the top left entry for your matrix) type "=index(Array1,(AA$1-1)*20+ROW()-1)". This should equal the number in D25. The above is set up to work on 20 entrants. You could refer to a named cell equal to a...
  7. DirkStruan

    Over-reliance on TLA's makes me PDP!!

    That was the scene. Brilliant! Dirk Everything useful perishes through use....Should I not rejoice at being useless?
  8. DirkStruan

    Over-reliance on TLA's makes me PDP!!

    I read the above and a scene from Good Morning Vietnam sprung to mind - must watch that again. Anyway...just start making up your own when you speak to them (possibly on the spot) or, make a list of the ones they use and give them other meanings and keep asking them to confirm what they do mean...
  9. DirkStruan

    ctrl D calculating a sheet

    I can't say I've ever used application.onkey (so apologies if the following is what you are trying to avoid), but can you not just write a one line macro Sub calc Calculate end sub and then assign the shortcut of control+d under tools/macros?
  10. DirkStruan

    Secure column data in Excel

    src2 - Skip is right & I totally agree with what he's said. My ideas are to simply slow down the less-knowledgeable. xlveryhidden is usually enough to confound the majority of users I work with, then again so it turning the text color white on the cells with the parameters in!
  11. DirkStruan

    Secure column data in Excel

    That's a bit more tricky if the other users know a bit about excel. What is the type of info that you are trying to hide? How is it used? How much do the users need to be able to see? How many cells in the column are to be kept secret? If the users need to enter a few parameters and then...
  12. DirkStruan

    Forcing specific location on startup

    No probs - but to save you staying up: tomorrow INT(NOW()) will return a value one digit higher than today so you could substitute in INT(NOW())+1 to see what happens. My dates are usually formatted to custom (dd/mm/yyyy) but if you had a format something like 00/00/0000 you would simply be...
  13. DirkStruan

    Secure column data in Excel

    I will assume the other columns should be editable. Highlight all cells, Format them (I usually rightclick for this option), on Protection deselect the Lock Cells. Highlight the column you want to protect. Format cells. Lock cells. While it is highlighted, Format menu, Columns, Hide...
  14. DirkStruan

    Forcing specific location on startup

    Fantastic! Can you tell me if there was a problem with the formatting of the dates as I suspected, as it will probably annoy me for days? Ok, here we go: INT(val) takes the integer part of a number. NOW() returns the current date and time. The date is the integer part and the time is given...
  15. DirkStruan

    Get people to do what you want............How?

    If people are naturally unhelpful you need to motivate or manipulate them into doing what you want. Basically you use a carrot or stick approach. There is a hard nosed (stick) view which is some sort of bullying (names/cursing), hostage taking (depending on your office: hiding the kettle or...
  16. DirkStruan

    Forcing specific location on startup

    The crash will have been a result of a bad value for X. Add in a msgbox x and see what the result is. Given "10" is fine and Int(Now()) should give 27/11/06 in dd/mm/yy format (illustrated by the following) Sub now1() MsgBox Int(now()) End Sub I'm wondering what is in E11? If you pick a...
  17. DirkStruan

    Breaking Links in Excel

    How about using find and replace, replacing '\\folder\[Book One.xls]Sheet1' with nothing? Dirk Everything useful perishes through use....Should I not rejoice at being useless?
  18. DirkStruan

    Forcing specific location on startup

    Hi Andy Have a look at the following (in use with a sheet with a frozen pane). Sub GotoE35() x = 35 Range("E10").End(xlDown).Select Application.Goto Reference:="R" & x & "C5" End Sub Using the Goto command will position the cell (here E35) just below the freeze line. If this is...
  19. DirkStruan

    computer name instead of drive letter

    Hi Chris Aren't you using functions from an add-in (.xla) that the other users haven't got set up on their machines? If so, getting them to goto Tools/Add ins (/browse... I guess) and "installing" the .xla file should make the UDFs readily available to them and get rid of the pathname in...
  20. DirkStruan

    Get people to do what you want............How?

    I wondering whether you (individually) were asked to get it sorted or it was to you all collectively? If it is the former then I guess its down to you and Jack has decided that of all the projects currently being worked on, yours is the least important and so you're on cleaning duty. You can...

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