Here is one possible solution, I hope your ready for this one:
I created 2 Forms. First Form is an Auto Form of Orders w/ Details form from Northwind. Next I added 3 buttons each with a Find Icon placed next to the 3 Date fields that were generated. The example I am presenting targets only the...
...reference to the form otherwise use the Me keyword or no local form designation at all.
The code could be as simple as:
Function ShowHide100()
'If form is some other form
'Dim frmOther as Form
'Set frmOther = Forms!frmqryECNMasterData100
' - or -
'If form is active form...
Here is a sampel of code that works fine.
Private Sub cmdEmailClose_Click()
With DoCmd
.SendObject acSendTable, "Shippers", acFormatTXT, "", , , "TEST", "BODY", False
End With
End Sub...
...logical areas and then moving some of the controls to a subform.
In theory you could have one parent form with 754 - 7 = (747 controls) + (7 Forms * 754) = 6025 Controls.
This is an untested theory. To handle the aspect of bound controls. I personally would use all unbound forms and...
I would look up Aceess Specifications in HELP. It will outline the limits that you might be hitting.
If you are putting 754 controls on a single form, you should rethink how you intend on using the form.
Jim Hope this helps!
To answer the first question, I would suggest ensuring that you have properly wired-up the datasource to the control. In my example I have a calendar control named myCalendar. I want to sync it with a textbox on my form named txtOrderDate. so I write the one line of code to do this.
Private Sub...
Off the top of my head 3 solutions.
1) Use the DSum() function to return the value
e.g. =[Original Quantity] - DSum("Sum", "Inventory Transactions", "EquipmentID = " & [EquipmentID])
This domain function will search the "Inventory Transactions" table...
I believe the PL/SQL command is the same as Transact-SQL:
exec procedure name
within the body of the stored procedure. I will look it up and correct myself if I am wrong.
Ben's Idea is probably what most people do end up doing as a workaround. It is simple enough to pull off, by creating a small form that shows the calendar control and uses some text and or comboboxes to complete the look and feel. Sync-ing the controls and passing data requires some...
Nope. [nosmiley]
The SQL in the comboxes isn't changing, just the recordset of the form - right?
As long as those combocoxes are not bound to a field on that form - and the rowsource of the combox doesn't change dramaticallly between refreshes - it should work.
I think at this point the only way that I might be able to lend any more help would be to actually see the form itself. I think it would be too much work to try and recreate the situation myself.
It sounds like it should work.
One last question? Are these comboboxes in the header of the form?
Are you trying to redistribute this control as part of a solution? I found an Knowledgebase article out at (Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 170692) that talks about the inability to distribute solutions containing the Calendar control without having the ODE (Office...
Are the combobxes bound or unbound? If they are unbound you should not have any trouble with them. If you needed to "reset" the comboboxes the best way would be to do the following:
Dim strSql as string
with combo1
strSql = .rowsource
.rowsource = ""
Without seeing the app, I might suggest a couple of things. Ensure that you have quotes around parameters that are strings in your SQL. Also you do not need to use the Goto Keyword in this case, the If Then Blocks will terminate properly. You could make all of the IF Blocks...
Just before clicking Open, press and hold down the shift key. this will disable the stratup for that one time. Then go back into the Startup properites and recheck your menus.
The only way that I have found to view specifications (without actually looking at the system tables) is to actually try to import/link something and click the advance button on the wizard. This will bring up an area that will allow you to choose an existing specification for editing...
It's all a matter of preference.
If the data in the text file will always be appended to the table then you could use importing, and I would follow these steps:
1. Rename your current table from tblName to tblName_old
2. Manually Import the text file into a new table named tblName. You will...
I agree with the creating of the child table to support 1 Project has many categories. When you run your append query to update the categories table make one the the categories "ORIGINAL" or "ALL" this will allow the customer to search out the records they want to fix...
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