Hi everybody,
I try to schedule a report in IBM connection. when the report should be created, i have this error : " CNC-SDS-0413 , user authentification failed".
I've already try to renew the credential but nothing changed.
Someone have an idea?
Thanks in advance for your help.
How do I reference and modify package scope variables in a script
component (within a data flow task)? I tried copying the syntax I used
in a Script task, but got a "Dts" not declared:
Dts.Variables("User::MESSAGE_ERREUR").Value = ...
Above works in Control flow Script task, but not...
Public Overrides Sub Entrée0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Entrée0Buffer)
Me.ComponentMetaData.FireError(-1, "error", "error null", "", 1, True)
End Sub
End Class
hi again!!!
A last question please, can we generate a raiserror in a component script task or can we use the function exeption.
a thing like that :
"Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Public Overrides Sub Entrée0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Entrée0Buffer)
It's OK , thanks a lot for your help.
A last question please, when the process don't run anymore, can we manage to show a message box for example or put the data flow in question in red , to show tu the user that the process stopped, because now when he stopped, there are no way to see if the...
Thanks for your help.
When you said "If you have NULLS, the conditional Success & Variable leads to the loading of the Refusal table which is your last step along that path" it will be the last step of my data flow but the others data flow in the control flow will goes on. No?
I have a dataflow that read a table.(row : "id_agency","id_society","name_society","name_agency", "turnover") There is a conditional split where if i have a "id_agency" or "id_society" at blank , i load this wrong data (and so all the line data) in a table called Refusal.
But after load all...
Hi everybody,
Small question please, I have one fields unit price which is formated in 5 decimals in the ERP on which i worked : XXX, XXXXX All the prices thus appear in this way:
12,90000 or 0,01230 or 1123,382000
Thus in crystal, I selectionne fields shaping - > number - > personalized and...
hi Rosemary,
thanks for your invaluable advice, your are right and i am sorry for not have been precise since the beginning.
I will be it for the next time;).
so, the database is Oracle 9i.2, the crystal report version is 10 ans as for the ODBC drivers , I don't know! (how can we get this...
hi everybody,
Lbass, i have just tried your formula and Crystal give me the error :
"error while compilation, 42000[data direct][ODBC Oracle driver] sql_varchar is not a valid ODBC SQL type for convert"
Someone Know where the error come from?
Best regard
Excuse for not understand what you said before. So if that has nothing to do with modifying the database, when you said using a SQL expression, that meant with crystal report?
That's right?
and excuse for my mistake expression but I don't speak very english.
thanks again.
Best regard
thanks for your answer,
When i said , it's not good, it was means CR tell me an error. Excuse me for precise this.
if not, i do like you said but the problem is this field is in subreport and i want to bring it in main report.
and when i do "select format field->paragraph->text interpretation...
...someone can explain me how to use this function
i try crRTFText(database field) but crystal give me a error.
i have a clob text like that {\rtf**.... and i want in a formula convert this text in rtf format to have a good text.
i try "crRTFText({ACLOB.CLOB_0})" but it's no good.
i also try...
Hi everybody,
I am doing an study about the product to adopt to do report n my company.
The choice is between BO and Qlikview.
First of all, the main difference between both is the price. Qlikview is much less expansive than BO.
But if it's less expansive, Qlikview must be less performant or...
So if we start a DWH project with
1/Immon's philosophy, so we use an ODS and the DWH is in 3NF and at least, we create datamarts and we can attack
2/ Kimball 's philosophy, so we use an DSA (like a temporary space) to create the datawarehouse(collection of datamart)
thanks o lot for your...
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