Thank you Chris. I have one problem - our website was designed and setup by a company and there is only so much editing i can do. It seems we have an administration template of sorts which allows us to edit the basics of the site ie input text,images etc, add new stock, view/edit orders etc...
Thanks Chris for this info - some good pointers there.
Thanks to you too Wullie - and to your fiance! Just out of interest, would i be better using text to inform shoppers or images - just thinking about what looks better!
I would like to know how to increase the traffic to my website and generate more sales. It was set up in March so I realise that it has not been running for long. I would appreciate any advice (or criticism!) regarding my site which is
I have a table that contains stock details. Each item has a quantity field which can be more than 1. I have created a report that outputs records to a file for mailmerging to labels but at the moment I can only create 1 of each record. How can I check the quantity field before sending the...
After adding a new record, I would like this record to be left visible on the form, change certain fields and save it as a new record but currently I just overwrite the original record.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Sorry to bother you. I have tried your code but i keep getting " Data type mismatch in criteria expression". When I highlight varisfound it says "varisfound = empty" and me.productcode has the number i'm looking for. Am i doing something wrong?
My database stores stock details. Once records are added to the Stock table using a form, a unique number is generated using the information input. For example, items added from the Designer Fornarina have a code 18, if the item is a skirt the code is 12, if the colour is black the code is 01...
My database stores stock details. Once records are added to the Stock table using a form, a unique number is generated using the information input. For example, items added from the Designer Fornarina have a code 18, if the item is a skirt the code is 12, if the colour is black the code is 01...
Hi Roy-Vidar,
Thanks for your help - it worked a treat! I was having a problem with the naming of my fields in the table but changing them has worked!
Thanks again.
Thanks for the quick reply! The only problem I have is that each of these fields is already linked to a source to allow the autofill. For example, the field 'Group' has =Style.column(1) in the Control Source because it is dependent on what is entered in the Style field ie if 'Skirts' is...
I have created a form to input data into a stock details table. I have numerous text fields and combo boxes which I use to update the table but data entered into 2 of my text fields does not display in the table.
These 2 fields are autofilled depending on what data is entered in previous...
My spreadsheet contains information exported from a database. Column 1 contains a unique ID number but there may be multiple rows with the same number. In each row there are also dates - I want to be able to count the number of rows with the same ID number, take the last row of each number and...
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