Hi - It's been a while since I visited. The best VB6 help was always here.
Is there a reference created, or simply a long variable assigned a value, when using CopyIcon?
Private Sub Form_Load()
hIcon = CopyIcon(Image1.Picture.Handle)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()
Stored the data from an animated GIF to a resource (.rc) file. The stored data in the resource matches a dump of the original file in a hex editor. When getting the data from the resource I am unable to write it to disk and re-create the file.
Dim C() As Byte
C() =...
Hi Hypetia - Thanks. Trying to get our product ready to show new version at ComiCon in San Diego. 20 hour days and no time to experiment. I had a quick look and will be attempting to implement it soon. Thanks again. - Ron
Hi Hypetia - I was afraid subclassing was the only way to do it propery. The timer worked great to get the state of the app (focus/no focus), but by the time the state is determined, it's too late to run any code (if it is associated with a control, the focus gets shifted back to the original...
It doesn't work much better or easier than that!!!
Thanks to both of you for all your amazing help over the years.
I'd like to send you both a copy of our commercial software (it was written and is currently maintained in VB6 - even on Vista). My e_m_a_i_l is rsharp(a_t)ncf(d_o_t)ca
- Ron
Hi - I searched the threads but I couldn't find an answer.
Obviously using subclassing is the way to tell if your VB app loses focus to another app.
If this was to be done using SetTimer/KillTimer, what would you suggest as a test in the timer loop.
GetForegroundWindow()? or something else...
Thanks Hypetia - That does the job perfectly. I was wondering how to deal with the _is1. Using "DisplayName" for the lpValueName parameter solves the problem.
Thanks again. - Ron
Hi - Is there an API to get the list of programs in the Add/Remove Programs list.
(Or any other way to determine if a program has been installed under Xp and Vista?).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\? (Some programs add reg entries when just being run after being unzipped (not installed) - e.g...
Has anyone had to find the fourth point in a rotation matrix given: x1 and y1, x2 and y2, x3 and y3. GDI+ provides DrawImagePoints which is passed an array of three points. Does anyone know the formula to find the fourth point's x and y at any angle in the rotation?
Thanks - Ron
Hi - Perhaps this has been answered before, but I couldn't find a solution in a thread search...
I am trying to create a bitmap in memory to blit another bitmap onto.
The memory bitmap needs to have its back colour set to match a transparent colour in the source image.
Does anyone know how to...
vbAccelerator has code to resample alpha bitmaps using a proportional scheme that preserves aspect ratio.
I have pared this down to the resampling part only.
In the class 'cAlphaDibSection', the...
Hi - Using good old VB6, is it possible to read in a GIF file and decode the header to find out the transparency value. I would then be able to pop it onto a form or user control and set the transparent value of the parent to allow the GIF edges to show through...
Hi - I am trying to create a program using CreateFontIndirect that will map a short string (10 chrs max.) to either a bezier curve (PolyBezier API) or a set of control points along an arc or even a sloping line. I would like to rotate or even resize an individulal character at it's control...
Hi strongm
As usual, with every piece of code you write and post I learn something new and useful!
I wish I could join you on a pub outing and sit for an evening and chat. (Continents away.)
When I used to write code for the Commodore 64, it was possible to interrupt the raster scan and move...
I would like to be able to do a refresh on a form without redrawing the entire form area. The reason is to be able to move an object within a picture box and not have so much flashing. (Refreshing just the picture box does not work. The whole form must be refreshed or the object leaves trails.)...
Hi DrJavaJoe
That is pretty cool!
I would be overjoyed (and I'm pretty happy) if I could figure out a way to render the fonts at the smaller sizes (10 or 12) because they look fantastic at 20 and above. I mean really fantastic! I tried 'StretchBlt'ing them down and it is passable...
Hi - I have a project that requires the text in a textbox or label to be antialiased. Last week I found an ocx that did just that. I did not bookmark the webpage and cannot find it again. (Searched through my History; - Searched through google for any keyword that is related; - Searched through...
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