I have an Oracle database with a blob field
that has Excel files. I am trying to
generate a MIME email from Oracle
that includes the Excel documents as attachments,
but I'm having some trouble getting the Excel files out of Oracle and into my message. Specifically, I'm unable get the blob data...
Is it possible to link to a Windows network drive
from an Oracle database server on a Unix box?
I need to access files that are on the Windows network drive and load them into an Oracle table.
Thank you,
"Then, you must create a C or Java program at the operating system level that calls the PDF software and passes parameters necessary to generate a PDF file."
When you say at the operating system level, do you mean on the Oracle database server (in our case Unix) or on the user's...
Thanks for your reply. I know about this, but the read or unread status varies by user. So for one user the item may have a read status and for another an unread status depending on whether or not it was opened. I want to know if the message was read by anyone, not just a particular user.
Is there a way to tell whether or not a message in a public folder has been opened by anyone?
I'd like a property that exposes this info using VB.
Hilbert Lindo
I am trying to retrieve the unread status of a mailitem by referencing the unread property of a mailitem object. However, the status of the mailitem seems to vary by user i.e. if I open an item in a public folder, it appears on my screen as read and the unread propery returns False but for a...
...Dim var1 As Variant
Dim mstring As String
Dim ct As Integer
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'On Error Resume Next
Set k3 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from FilePaths_ order by filepaths_;")
For ct = 1 To k3.RecordCount
WalkDirTree k3!FilePaths_, "*.*"
A new development...
I am trying to improve on my workaround and, after taking a second pass at this problem,
I've noticed that the procedure only bogs down
on certain Word documents. For example, I have a Word document that has 8000+ pages with 2 pages in a sections and each section is printed...
I didn't realize that the Word application had a filesearch method, I just knew about Excel. I use the filesearch method to identify files that follow a certain naming convention in a particular directory-- to find all Word files that begin with "Welcome" that are in the My Documents...
I have a process now that is working. I open the document and then process the first 15 sections, converting each section to it's own pdf. Then I close the document, reopen it, move to the last section I processed + 1, then do another 15. In this way I work my way through the entire document...
It looks like the problem had to do with the cache size allocated for word in the registry. I implemented the changes suggested in thread68-408109 and performance, though not super fast, shows definite improvment.
Thanks all for your replies.
Based on what you said about repagination, I could take a copy of the word document, print out the pdf and then delete the section that I printed. If it re-paginated from the top of the document, then it wouldn't get progressively slower. I'll try this...
I am executing a vba macro in a microsoft word document that has 1600 pages. The macro looks in the document for a specific string. If the string is found, it prints out the page the string is on as a pdf, then it executes the search again in a loop. When I execute this macro on docs that are...
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