We have a date of purchase for an item in one column. It as a warranty of 3 years. I want to set a column where it says how long is left on the warranty (perhaps in months)based on the purchase date if it is out of warranty in 3 months to display in green , if out of warrnaty to display in...
Not sure I understand as usally, This is how my pivot table looks and is in sheet 4. All the main data is in sheet one.
So how do I connect or link it, dragging hte fileds does not work. Thanks
Article Stock/Direct amount
100 800
Direct 500
Stock 300
200 1000
Direct 600
Good the new column helped alot there, seems logical when you know how.
Okay I now have a pivot table with direct and stock totals. Finally, I think, how do I then update another sheet with the totals by article only for stock quatitys.
Tahnks for your help.
I will try, this is how my simplified sheet looks
1 Article Order Amount
2 100 123-1 500
3 100 1234 300
4 200 124-1 400
5 200 124-2 600
I can get a pivot so it shows article and the totals, but then i canot get a total on direct orders...
Sorry lot of information there and I cannot get any of it to work. This is the simple layout, however, in reality this list could be hundreds long.
Article Order NoAmount
100 123-1 500.00
100 1234 300
200 124-1 400.00
200 124-2 600.00
So I need to toal by articl no, then total for the...
Ok one thing I forgot sorry,
we need the amounts per article number
Order NO Article Amount Toal Sum Direct TotalSum Stock
1234 300 20 40 40
1234-5 300 30
1235 300 20
345-6 300 10
23-45 100 20
2345 200...
...1234 300 20 40 40
1234-5 300 30
1235 300 20
345-6 300 10
These lists are very large so we need to be able do a sum on order numbers like *-* and then not like *-*
How do we do a formula fo thses calcualtions.
Thanks in...
I have crested a spreadsheet with a column with a mixture of letters in, however I get an error in the macro. This is my macro so i cannot see where the problem is
Sub insertrow()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim FOUND As Range
Dim firstR As Integer
SetFOUND =...
We have a spreadsheet linking into our sql databse. We bring out order rows. We sort by order number. If we want to put a blank row after every new order number is there a way to do this?
Ok now we have the formulas how do we populate a column depending on how many rows come thrugh from the refresh.
We may have 20 rows one time, 10 another etc.... is there a way to make sure the column does the caluclation depending on how many rows each time.
Same as before we have a column that needs the number of weeks we are in to date.
So this week we are in week 43 so we need 43 displaying in the column.
Also once this number is in say A1 how do we set it so it poplutes all of column A cells where the other columns are populated. This...
Thanks again this works good
Finally how do we do it for nuber of weeks for the year I tried the Weeknum but cant seem to get it to do the same. Any ideas
Thanks again
Hi Tonyjollans
Try and explain better
We have a cloumn called working days which we want to base other calculations on.
So depending on which date we open the spreadsheet we want that column to populate with the current working days. We only want working days for the current year. We tried...
How can we set a full column so it displays the current amount of working days for this year. This should update each time we oprn the spreadsheet.
Also the same but for weeks for the current year.
Thanks for any help in advance
Hope someone can help
If we run a query and want a field to be filled in with another field (asuming the field is null) then what expression can we wrtire in a query so that the field is filled in with the alternative.
Example : Delivery address 1 as a name in
if it is null we want it to be...
Does nayone know how to integrate access with a TAPI interface. We have an Alcaltel phone system that uses Pimphony software, we have created our table in access and we are told we need a small program to integrate with TAPI.
Is it possible to make a table into an execuatable file at all. I am trying to link our telephone system into a table in access and it requires it to be an EXE file. It does link, or so it help systm says with Access.
Thanks lbass this worked great, I also made a big error in making the 1 and 0 text and not numbers but I used your forumual ideas after and I now have the results I need.
Thanks to all
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