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  1. ferrari123

    general tab on PS printer driver + available papers + IPrintOemUI

    Hi, I am trying to display list of papers on general tab of ps printer drivers. I tried IPrintOemUI::devicecapabilities but somehow it doesnt work. All the time i see only "Letter" displayed in Available paper window. Can you give me some idea ?
  2. ferrari123

    how to read multi line in an ini file

    Hi Arkm , Per, thanks a lot. Looks like i have to parse it on my own. thanks & regards, ~ Rudresh
  3. ferrari123

    how to read multi line in an ini file

    Hi , I have an ini file which i read using GetPrivateProfileString. It takes CRLF as string termination. Is there any way through which i can get multi strings ? thanks & regards ~ Rudresh
  4. ferrari123

    MFC tab control and transparent images

    Hi, Please check _tabTool->InsertItem(0, &tcItem); you are inserting all items at '0' th index. Is it proper ? thanks & regards, ~ Rudresh
  5. ferrari123

    how to refresh a tab on a property sheet???????!!!!!

    I am not able to gather. Do you want to create some list columns in one tab and take some action in other tabs depending on that ? Pl. write in detail , possibly with some sode sbippet. thanks & regards, ~ Rudresh
  6. ferrari123

    Set icon in CDialog

    Use SetIcon.
  7. ferrari123

    Problem with CFileDialog (access violation).

    Hi , There seems to be something wrong with the way CFileDialog is definaed itself. try on different machine or reinstall visual studio.If it works then there is wrong with the defination. thanks & regards, ~ Rudresh
  8. ferrari123

    CTreeCtrl 's default tools tip

    Hi , I think you need to use CToolTipCtrl . Look into Code project site for some demo projects. thanks & regards, ~ Rudresh
  9. ferrari123

    spooler restart through StartService

    It doesnt fail actually. StartService returns successfully. After that if i check the status of service it is SERVICE_START_PENDING. But when the application is closed, spooler is still stopped.
  10. ferrari123

    spooler restart through StartService

    Hi, In one application , when i debug the application it is able to restart the spooler. But when i use cmd line ( basically just run the application) it just fails. can anybody give me some idea about the sureshot way of restarting the spooler ?
  11. ferrari123

    WM_TIMER messages in a hidden window and locale

    hi , I checked both the above options. i.e. PeekMessage and msvcirt.dll. No luck. msvcirt.dll has version 7.1.0. ( tried putting 6.1.8637.0 ) same effect. Replaced GetMessage with PeekMessage : same behaviour. :-(
  12. ferrari123

    WM_TIMER messages in a hidden window and locale

    Hi , I have an application which traps WM_TIMER messages in a window. Command line version of it receives in the same hidden window. This command line version works fine with all the os but wipn XP . In windows Xp also it works fine for English Keyboard layot. The moment i try to add another...
  13. ferrari123

    Trouble with taking input...

    Another thing which is missing : curly braces : for(int i = 0; i < sizeof species / sizeof *species; i++) { cout << &quot;Please enter the casualty amount for << species[i].name << &quot;.&quot;; cin >> species[i].casualty; }
  14. ferrari123

    All Process ID

    EnumProcesses It is one of the SDK apis Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later. Header: Declared in Psapi.h. Library: Use Psapi.lib. You can find how to use it in MSDN. best luck
  15. ferrari123

    Basic &quot;Save / SaveAs&quot; question

    It is calling the default handler first. One easy way is to edit the menu and assign those menu items , new IDS like ID_FILE_MYSAVE and ID_FILE_MYSAVEAS and then map the handlers for it through classwizard.
  16. ferrari123

    Removing Close Icon From System Menu

    Try Following : BOOL CChildFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying // the CREATESTRUCT cs cs.style &= !WS_SYSMENU ; cs.style |= WS_CAPTION ; cs.style |= WS_CHILD; if( !CMDIChildWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) ) return FALSE...
  17. ferrari123

    Dynamic Controls In Doc/View App

    Try CFormView
  18. ferrari123

    Creating /removing shortcuts ( on desktop ) programatically

    Hi Mkuiper, Yes. that's the one. Luckily i got the code also. thanks ~ Rudresh
  19. ferrari123

    Creating /removing shortcuts ( on desktop ) programatically

    Hi IonFilipski, Thanks for your suggestion. i could delete that shortcut treating as a file. Now the question is what makes it different from normal files?. Question came because there can be scenario when user renames it and still we will have to delete it. Is there any way to find out that...
  20. ferrari123

    Creating /removing shortcuts ( on desktop ) programatically

    Hi , One of the proj. requirement need is to delete the shortcuts from desktop. Has anybody got any idea how to do it programatically ?? Thanks in advance.

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