...Now, below this section, I need to come up with the ratios between each category. The following ratios are:
Category Formula
0 - 1 800/900 * 100
1 - 2 500/800 * 100
2 - 3 350/500 * 100
3 - 4 300/350 * 100
4 - 5 400/300 * 100
5 - 6 100/400 * 100
6 - 7...
Thanks guys,
I think the running total is the way to go. Though hate the fact that I have a lot of running totals to do then..
-- gyfu --
Crystal Report 2008
Microsoft SQL 2005
Grp 3 - 1000
Grp 4 - 5000
I need to create in the report footer the percentage of grp 1 to Grp 2. So in this example it would be,
2000/4000 *100 = 50%.
However, in the Crystal Report formula, I don't seem to be able to specify the summary of grp1 / summary of grp2.
Am I missing...
Thanks guys,
I did have someone written a SP and capture the history as mention.
Seems to be working well for now.
-- gyfu --
Crystal Report 2008
Microsoft SQL 2005
Hi Madawc,
My problem is not with the field in the CR but rather the fields in the SP.
Let me give you the example...
(@BeginDate smalldatetime, @EndDate smalldatetime,@UserID int)
DECLARE @AmtPaid as money
DECLARE @AssignedBillBal as money...
Hi Madawc,
I did that but somehow I cannot link the parameter field to the SP parameter. Somehow the date parameter in the SP doesn't show up in the link window.
not sure what i am doing wrong.
-- gyfu --
Crystal Ver 10
Microsoft SQL
Hi All,
I have been reading many post about passing parameter values into a Stored Procedure but doesn't seem to find a way to do it.
Can someone please point me to the right direction?
I am looking into using a passing parameter values into a stored procedure.
My actual problem is this...
Hi Madawc,
That is the manual way of doing it and the users are doing that at the moment. Where they export multiple excel files and just aggregate it in Excel itself.
I got friends who uses SAS reporting tool and it seems that in SAS there is a function that can be used to do such a...
Hi All..
I have been using Crystal Report for a while, and I must say this forum has helped me a lot in my troubles or challenges. However, this next challenge I have is something I have no experience at all and am trying to grasp the concept on how to do it.
As mention above, it is...
Hi All.
I have a Crystal report where it is taking it's data from a stored procedure of SQL Server 2000.
Problem is now that when i deploy the report, I would also have to deploy the stored procedure separately. This basically would cause version issues and possible problem if one forgets...
Hey guys,
I have been searching high and low for a solution. I hope you guys can help me on this.
Here is the case:
1 table with duplicate SSN
TableName: CustInfo
Name SSN CustNO Flag
Ali 1120 78643
Ali 1120 98732
Sammy 345 36791
John 09212...
Hey Alex,
I am not sure of how to put use a global variable for my case here. An example of a sequel statment in my task would be:
Select * NameofDB..Account
As You can see the NameofDB is my variable. How can I use global variable for these?
Let me know if there is a solution to this...
Hi guys,
I need an easier way to copy and edit a DTS. Currently I have a DTS with probably about 50 SQL task. Each task of course has SQL statments.
Every time, I have a new customer, I have to go into every of this single task and change the name of the DB that I associate them with. this...
It could very well be the Service Pack issue. I have that same problem but once I get my service pack in sync with my colleague, it opens well.
It happen several times with various service pack.
Good luck.
-- gyfu --
Crystal Ver 10
Microsoft SQL
Issue Resolve. yeah Alex, I think my issue was very similar to yours. After carefully re doing the transformation, I realize that the file used to have 61 columns, but now it has only 60 columns. Since I did not remapped it, I believe SQL screws it up..
Anyways, all is well now.. Thanks you...
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention that this is a fixed length file. I strongly believe it is the file, but I have to find where the problem lies so that I can prevent it in the future.
and yes Alex, the source file changes everyday. it is a daily download file.
I am debugging in what you are...
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