Sub Add_Worksheets_Copy_Data()
Dim n As Integer, ShN As String, Cr As String
With sheets2
For n = 1 To .Cells.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
ShN = .Cells(n, 1).Value
Cr = .Cells(n, 2).Value...
I assumed I needed to give this macro a name so I named it
Sub Add_Worksheets_Copy_Data()
at the top before the Dim command line
When I run the macro it highlights the above Sub line with yellow. It says Compile Error Expected End Sub. I tried changing the End With to End Sub and then I...
My source data is on sheet1. I typed the following info into Sheet2:
On Sheet1 the field I want to autofilter by is Account. I moved The Account information to column A because your formula has a field:=1. I turn...
I have Windows XP and Office XP. I have a spreadsheet that we download every month and it will have 22,000 plus rows. I then insert 10 new worksheets and name them for each acct. name such as EFC, OVK, etc. Then I use Data, Filter to pull up the account name and copy these sheets to the...
...<=2/28/2005. Eventually I will need to do this for all the months in a huge spreadsheet. I tried changing the formula to
=SUMIF(B2:B9,">=1/1/2005*<=1/31/2005",C2:C9) but I get a 0
Then I changed the formula to
and again I...
I went to microsoft.com and did a search for eraser2002.exe and eraserxp.exe. Didn't find either one. Only found an eraser2000.exe. Also did a google search for either one.
I have Windows XP and we use office xp. On my desktop I have a document image writer print driver which is great because I can save pdf, word, etc. documents as mdi and then use insert file to create a multiple page tif file. However, I don't remember how I installed it. I need to install...
I have a fellow employee who has 2 huge spreadsheets. We both use Windows XP and Office XP. She has frozen panes on both spreadsheets so she can see what she is copying. She used window arrange, horizontal, so she could see both ss files. She can't move her cursor around in either file with...
I have CR 9. I am attaching to Visual Fox Pro Database Tables. If I go into the DB program the programmers have typed in set deleted records to off so no deleted records show up in the reports that they have created. I am getting deleted records in my CR. Does CR have something similar to...
I teach Crystal Reports 9. Some of our reports will show a record more than once, so I group them and put my formulas in the group footer. One of my students asked why do you see more than one occurrence of a record in the details section. Is it because the same record pulls from the master...
Thank you. That worked, but I don't understand how it worked. I have used variables before.
It looks like grpcnt := grpcnt +1 is assigning a number to each group, correct?
Then you are saying if grpcnt <=10 then cntpolicies := cntpolicies +
count ({CR_SU.csubmissionid}, {CR_AG.cagntname})...
I use Windows XP, CR 9.0
I have created a report which shows our top 10 agents by submissions. I have the report grouped by Agent Name. In the report footer I have a running total which counted the # of submissions for Bound or reinstated policies. My total is correct and it includes the top...
I am using CR 9 Professional. I am reporting off a Visual Fox Pro database using an ODBC connection. I have my report sorted by state, then lastname, then firstname then ssn. My report contains 8,000 records. I want to only see records where a client has 2 or more DIFFERENT SOCIAL SECURITY...
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