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Search results for query: *

  1. Di0genes

    Far SQL2000 Server - Replication fails/Administration works

    Windows NT Server 4.00.1381 or Windows 2000 Server SP3 MS SQL Server Standard 2000 (SP3) What could be the reason for the following behavior: We use 4 SQL servers in 4 different locations. Each of them could be administered by using the Enterprise Manager. I'm able to create tables or...
  2. Di0genes

    Merge Replication fails

    Hello, I replicate per merge replication a database on 2 MS-SQL Server 2000. Without changing anything on both servers the replication fails since 2 days. The error message is: Error: Der Prozess konnte das Vorhandensein der Generierung auf 'Subscriber' nicht überprüfen. Translation: The...
  3. Di0genes

    change umlauts per udf

    replace + CHAR(69*@isUpCase) by + CHAR(69+32*@isUpCase) -- Char(69+0)="E"; Char(69+32)="e"
  4. Di0genes

    change umlauts per udf

    ...1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @isUpCase = 0 END -- prüfen ob Großbuchstabe IF ASCII(@CH) = ASCII('Ä') BEGIN set @Res = @Res + 'A' + CHAR(69*@isUpCase) set @Geaendert = 1 END IF ASCII(@CH) = ASCII('Ö') BEGIN set @Res = @Res + 'O' + CHAR(69*@isUpCase) set @Geaendert =...
  5. Di0genes

    Sending messages to clients

    Hello, the only possible solution is a timer event whitch check a entry in a special table on your backend. A other solution is, to check who is logged in to your backend and send a Msg per "net send". thats it Regards
  6. Di0genes

    switch forms between diff. databases

    Yes, its possible: CurrentProject.OpenConnection str_Connection, User, PW is the thing you are looking for. Regards Diogenes
  7. Di0genes

    Switch databases on the fly (same server)

    Hello, if you want to have a simple solution, just copy the part with the different connectionstring to a onclick of a button: str_Connection = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _ "PERSIST SECURITY INFO=FALSE;" & _ "INITIAL CATALOG=NameOfYourfirstDB;" & _ "DATA SOURCE=NameOfYourServer"...
  8. Di0genes

    Switch databases on the fly (same server)

    >Hello, > >lock at my former post to this question: > >http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=556609&SPID=958&page=1 >Regards >Daniel
  9. Di0genes

    Access Runtime Data Link Properties

    Hello, http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=556609&SPID=958&page=5 maybe that this can be a solution for your Problem. Regards Daniel
  10. Di0genes

    Scroll with wheel in VBA modules

    http://www.vb2themax.com/FileBank.asp?PageID=FileBank Maybe that helps ...
  11. Di0genes

    Forcing subform focus.

    Hello, use a commandbutton (transparency = true) after your last field in the main form. Your code should be placed in the GotFocus event of that new commandbutton. So you can be sure thant the coude runs if you made no changes in the last field. Regards Daniel S.
  12. Di0genes

    Subform in Access 2000 freezes win2K

    Hello, "My car is broken! Whats the reason?" SCNR ;-) What is in the sub? Are there VBA modules you run on form_current or other events? ... Are there ActiveX Controls you are using in this subform? Do you use a newer version of Access? ... Regards Daniel Scholdei
  13. Di0genes

    how to change Subforms from a picklist

    Hello, take all the subs in your mainform and hide the 7 unneedet subforms per vba! Regards Daniel Scholdei
  14. Di0genes

    how to do bubble text????

    Hello, each control have a controltiptext ... look for this option in properties of the control where your tip-text should be shown ... The value of any tip-text also could be changed by using vba. Regards Daniel Scholdei
  15. Di0genes

    Function problem

    Hello, is your function a public function in a global module? If not ... thats the reason. Regards D. Scholdei
  16. Di0genes

    Access Database Expiry

    Hello, use a hidden table with 3 or 4 fields: date_of_the_last_possible_call - datetime number_of_starts - int starts_counter - int start_permitted - boolean Check the start_permitted field on start. Docmd.close if start is not permitted. Complain on every start if the date run off -> set...
  17. Di0genes

    Alter ADP Connection String using VBA.

    Hello, you can alter your Connectionstring with vba. Public Function fct_Anmelden(User As String, PW As String, Optional str_Server As String, Optional str_db As String) Dim str_Connection As String Dim str_internServer As String Dim str_internDB As String On Error GoTo...
  18. Di0genes

    Excel Delete blank or zero rows

    Hello, try this: Sub emtyrowsdelete() '--dimmensionieren--- Dim spalte, zelle As String Dim zeile As Integer Dim isnullcounter As Integer '--initialisieren--- spalte = &quot;A&quot; zeile = 1 isnullcounter = 0 '--und los gehts -- While isnullcounter <...
  19. Di0genes

    Cascading comboboxes

    Hello, I dont know if that helps but look at thread702-559309
  20. Di0genes

    Linking two combo boxes

    Hello, set the recordsource of your second combobox to select .... from .... where ... = form_yourform.combo1.value set the Enter event of your second Combo to Private Sub combo2_Enter() Me.ActiveControl.Requery End Sub that should work .. Regards Daniel

Part and Inventory Search
