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Search results for query: *

  1. Gruuuu

    Combining a group of file into a single PDF (automation) (Acrobat 9)

    Solved my problem. Instead of using any javascript or settings from Acrobat, I instead used the default data models of VBA to convert all of the files I hope to see to either a powerpoint, word doc, or excel file. From that point I save them as PDF, and after that combine all the files. With...
  2. Gruuuu

    Excel 2010 Conditional Formatting based on formula in cell (not value in cell)

    Hit Ctrl+G (Goto) Click Special... Select Formula Click OK All cells with formulas are now selected. Recording that action produced this code: Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23).Select If this must be done with VBA, this could be used, as it returns a Range object. I should...
  3. Gruuuu

    Visio Automation

    Might try your luck in the VBA forum.
  4. Gruuuu

    Macro - transpose - audit

    Does a copy->Paste Special/Transpose not do what you need?
  5. Gruuuu

    Hi, can anyone help with a little t

    Hey I'm all for digging into a different way to do things, especially ways that challenge the mind and are good practice for other practical applications. But I've also been burned quite a bit by insisting on using the more difficult method. When other people need to use my tools, and it's too...
  6. Gruuuu

    Hi, can anyone help with a little t

    I agree with Skip. LGMan it's super simple. It is NOT the method you thought of using, but it WILL deliver the results you want, and be much easier for you and repeatable by others. From your excel workbook: Copy the cell range or chart In powerpoint: Click on Paste Special (NOT PASTE) On...
  7. Gruuuu

    Matching Two Columns From One Worksheet to Two Columns in Another While Returning a Value

    Oh wait, I believe I've misunderstood the question. PeanutB7, do you just want a count of occurring combinations of Location and Item Number?
  8. Gruuuu

    Matching Two Columns From One Worksheet to Two Columns in Another While Returning a Value

    Just use a helper column off to the side. Concatenate your lookup column values together (like so) =A2&"|"&B2 (I always put a pipe in as a separator. You don't have to use a pipe, but you should definitely use something) Then when you do your lookup, concatenate your lookup_value (like so)...
  9. Gruuuu

    Outlook 2010 public folder calendar permissions issues

    Why doesn't she just recreate them? Get the administrator to remove the old events. If that person is you, you should be able to reactivate the account, change the password, log in on that account, delete the things.
  10. Gruuuu

    Cell formatting

    I would still recommend a custom formatting #,###,"M";-#,###,"M";"-";@ takes care of the arbitrary length, and still lets you perform calculations on the number. You mentioned rounding your numbers up to the nearest thousands place. Do you really mean always? Even if it's 24,001 you want to...
  11. Gruuuu


    Whoops. clicked the wrong one anyway
  12. Gruuuu


    paul, you will want to check with this forum
  13. Gruuuu

    MS excel dates to establish ages

    Leap years aren't relevant. Go by birthdays. Try telling a mother that their child isn't 2 yet "because of the Leap Year, you see..." Even if the child is born on a leap day, the formula I posted will work for them.
  14. Gruuuu

    MS Excel count days less list of named dates

    If you download the file, you can see that you can add more semesters easily. It just needs a new start date and end date. I would highly recommend giving your semesters different names, but the formula doesn't require it.
  15. Gruuuu

    MS Excel count days less list of named dates

    Fair enough. In that case: * I made a new structured table (from Insert->Table) in A through J. Column Names are: Semester, start, end, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Under Semester I put Summer 2012. Under start, the start date. Under end the end date. I made a...
  16. Gruuuu

    MS Excel count days less list of named dates

    This sounds like a homework assignment
  17. Gruuuu

    MS excel dates to establish ages

    Nah that doesn't matter unless you're counting number of days. If you're just going by birthday, it's easy. Assuming your data starts in A2, and assuming you don't care about the birth time of day =IF(YEARFRAC(TODAY(),A2)<2,"IS UNDER TWO","AIN'T UNDER TWO")x Test it by putting 5/10/2010 and...
  18. Gruuuu

    Excel - Paragraph of text in one column broken up into 4 columns

    Here's what I came up with For posterity: Columns are labeled A B C D E F Date Issues Identified: Referral/Action: Problem List Updated? Recalls added? Original Text in the Date column...
  19. Gruuuu

    Excel - Paragraph of text in one column broken up into 4 columns

    teebird, will your data always be set up like this?: "[DATE DD/MM/YYYY]; Issues Identified: [TEXT] Referral/Action: [TEXT] Problem List Updated? [TEXT] Recalls added? [TEXT]" Take note of the spaces, punctuation, and items inside the [SQUARE BRACKETS]. I placed items in [SQUARE BRACKETS] to...
  20. Gruuuu

    Excel Simple VBA to Delete Blank Rows

    Skip, what do you recommend for removing data both manually and with VBA? Just deleting the range instead of clearing?/Range.Delete instead of Range.ClearContents?

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