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Search results for query: *

  1. GoDawgs

    Breaking up Array Cell Value

    Thanks Skip...that's what I had set up but was hoping to find something else...although I don't really know what that something else might've been. I'll work with it...thanks for the help.
  2. GoDawgs

    Breaking up Array Cell Value

    I get a daily file with hundreds of records from an outside vendor...and one of the columns in the file has arrays in each cell. Is there an easy way to break these apart? My final goal is to get them somewhat normalized (meaning a record for each of the values in the array), but I'd settle...
  3. GoDawgs

    Populating Excel with Access records VERY slow

    Thanks for everyone's help...I ran it this morning with Excel visible so I could see what was going on, and I found the culprit. After each rep I was putting in a page break (these sheets all get printed and sent to the reps)...the code worked instantly until it hit that first page break...then...
  4. GoDawgs

    Populating Excel with Access records VERY slow

    Ha ha...I thought that was a strange question...sorry, it's been a long day. No, there's nothing in the Excel file itself, it's a brand new file with column headers and nothing else. I just tried the manual calculation code...didn't change anything. Good idea to have that in there anyway...
  5. GoDawgs

    Populating Excel with Access records VERY slow

    Nope, just a variable with the name of the Excel file... TemplatePath = "\\Templates\AttCommission.xls" FilePath = "\\Reports\AttCommission-" & FullOffice & "-" & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & ".xls" FileCopy TemplatePath, FilePath
  6. GoDawgs

    Populating Excel with Access records VERY slow

    Sorry, missed your second comment. That's how I've always dumped data to specific cells...but since I've got nobody to bounce it off of, let me know if I'm missing an easier way. This is my code for opening the file and setting the sheet: Set xlApp = New Excel.Application...
  7. GoDawgs

    Populating Excel with Access records VERY slow

    Basically the "CopyFromRecordset" is out because after each rep's section there's about 8 rows of extra data/formatting to be thrown in (a big yellow box with the Rep's total, the Rep's previous balance, etc)...mostly done just to keep things looking the same way they did in the past. If I...
  8. GoDawgs

    Excel number of month

    Just format as "m", not "mm".
  9. GoDawgs

    Populating Excel with Access records VERY slow

    It's been a while since I've posted here...but I'm getting frustrated. I've got a process that dumps a bunch of records for Reps from Access into an Excel file...and in between each Rep does a bunch of formatting (that's the reason for not just dumping the entire recordset). A section of the...
  10. GoDawgs

    Combining Fields into One Column?

    Yikes...the class names shouldn't be columns to begin with...check out PHV's link before you go any further. As for the dirty answer to your question...open the table, highlight the first row, copy, paste it into Excel which will show all the column names. Then highlight the column names in...
  11. GoDawgs

    Increment double dates - weekday only

    What if you put your start date in A1, then in A2 put: =IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=6,A1+3,A1+1) Then copy that down...and do it again in column B. Then combine the two columns and sort? There might be a faster way, but that's not too bad. Hope it helps... Kevin
  12. GoDawgs

    Date criteria to compile past years quarterly spending

    Format([SignUpDate],"q yyyy") will get you the quarter for each of your dates...then you can group by that if that's what you're looking for.
  13. GoDawgs

    Copy a sheet to new file-keep formulas

    Easy enough...thanks guys.
  14. GoDawgs

    Writing to a cell based on cell above.

    The code would be the same idea...you'd start at row 1 and loop through to the end of the rows of data in your ID column...and for each cell along the way check if it's blank put in the data from the cell above, otherwise leave it alone.
  15. GoDawgs

    Copy a sheet to new file-keep formulas

    Yeah, I just thought of that. Not bad. Does anyone know a way to force Excel to not add a specific file reference? Thanks for the help Sawedoff. Kevin
  16. GoDawgs

    Writing to a cell based on cell above.

    Just put in a new column for ID's. Assume that your current Logon ID column is B and your new column is A and your formula would look something like this: =if(B2="",A1,B2) Hope that helps. Kevin
  17. GoDawgs

    Copy a sheet to new file-keep formulas

    Long time no post... I'm having a problem that I'm sure is an easy fix, but I can't find it. I receive an Excel file daily with many sheets and different data. I have no control over this file at all. I've set up a nice little sheet to pull all of my necessary summaries...but I can't bring...
  18. GoDawgs

    Swap lastname, firstname in excel field

    Try this formula in Excel (with I14 being the "Lastname, Firstname" cell): =RIGHT(I14,LEN(I14)-(FIND(",",I14,1)+1)) & " " & LEFT(I14,(FIND(",",I14,1)-1)) Hope that helps. Kevin
  19. GoDawgs

    Excel 2002 show data not formula ASAP Please

    Your cell is formatted as text...add an apostrophe in front of the equals sign, hit enter, then go back in and delete the apostrophe out and hit enter again. Hope that helps. Kevin
  20. GoDawgs

    Find the closest X, Y, Z coordinate in query

    They don't need to be broken out...I think you missed a step (and "2" equals squared in my example): The hypotenuse of the 1st triangle= Sqr(x2+y2) The hypotenuse of the 2nd triangle (and therefore the total distance)= sqr((the hypotenuse of the first)2 + z2) or sqr(sqr(x2+y2)2 + z2) or...

Part and Inventory Search
