What I need to do is create a page that reads and displays hundreds of records. I dont want a page that is too long to scroll so I am going to use a recordcount to display 50 (or whatever) at a time and page through the recordset.
Rather than continually looping through it with a movenext I...
Ok, I have set this up to open a recordset but it still returns -1 for a recordcount. I tried a number of syntaxes on this thing too. What do you think?
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open sTr,xConn,,2
...tried many different syntaxes to no avail. Does anyone have an idea of how to configure this code to be a dynamic set?
Set xConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DSNtemp="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; "
DSNtemp=dsntemp & "DBQ=" & server.mappath("db.mdb")
xConn.Open DSNtemp
I have decided to blow up the header, it looks better (and less work). When I set the overflow:auto; to the right hand column it forces the image background to flicker when scrolling, both columns scroll.
Here is the code for the 2 columns:
#logs {width:23%;
#content {float...
That set a scrollbar at the bottom of the left column. But the whole page was still scrolling vertically. I would like the left side to remain fixed and have the rest scroll.
I still get the problems when they exist. The weirdest part is that it works fine with FF. This is the first problem I've encountered with js cross-browser issues.
Hi All,
I have a simple page that uses an anchor link to to call a function to take values from one field and drop it into another in the same form. Of course the code works in Firefox but not in IE6. IE bombs when it loads and wants to debug the calling line. Here is the function:
I actually will be using this as a webserver. The problem is there is I can ping the ip from the internet but the server does not respond to any requests.
I just setup a 2003 server and was able to see it through the internet. I installed Black Ice Defender and it has done nothing but crash the system (25+ times already). It appears to be completely removed (no files, no service). I want to do a trial on Kaspersky (any opinions on this?) so I...
I just installed MySQL and the installed never completed because it could not start the service. So i had to cancel out and try to start it manually which of course did not work. Any ideas here? Its never been installed on this machine before!
Thanks in advance,
Jack :D
I know its non-conventional, but that does not mean it will not work. With this code I can already get the javascript to loop through the asp recordset and display the results in an alert box. All that needs to be done is clear the second box and populate it with the results. The problem is...
...cannot find anything that tells me how to repopulate the select box. It is a dependent box. The code is below...
function ezn(){
<%sTr="Select * From [District Abatements]"
set da=ezConn.Execute(sTr)
while da.eof=False%>
if (document.add_ez.ez.value=='<%=da("EZ ID")%>'){
//this is the line...
I am trying to get the most basic of things accomplised: get a vbscript sub to give me a msgbox. I am trying to call the sub from a selectbox. I keep getting nothing and it is driving me nuts! The code is below.
Sub ez_onchange
msgbox "hello"
End Sub
I need to open a file that I have created in write through an asp webpage. I have tried response.redirect "file.txt" and all this does is open the data file in the browser. Is there a way to force it to open in wordpad?
Jack :D
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