if I have a simple function like this:
$('[tooltip]').each(function() // Select all elements with the "tooltip" attribute
$(this).qtip({ content: $(this).attr('tooltip') }); // Retrieve the tooltip attribute value from the current element
Can I just add an .attr into the search box...
Using jquery i'm creating searchboxes that pull data from a MYSQL DB. How can I add tooltips into this:
var impact_header_text = $("<div>Impact (EX: Panic)</div>"); <-- display header
var impact_search_box = $('<input>') <--actual searchbox...
I have a function that gets the number of submitted tickets for each user. How do I make this get the top five submitters (and their respective ticket totals) and lump the rest of the count into "other." This data is being pulled from a database. thanks!
var user_burt_count = [];
for ( var...
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to figure out a way to generate large numbers of NFS getattr calls. I first tried using a simple ls -laR script, but that primarily generated access calls. Does anyone have any ideas?
sh -c "for i in {1..50}; do ls -lasiR ${NFS_MNTPNT_DIR}; sleep 2 done"
--- You must...
I decided to use an array instead of a hash. This works.
#!/usr/software/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SSH2;
my $ssh = Net::SSH2->new();
my $bigcmd = "priv set diag; wafl_susp -w";
my @array;
my $pass = 'P@ssw0rd'...
Hi Folks,
How can I redirect stdout back into a hash in my script (susphash)? Here I am logging into a remote server and running a command. I want all the lines of the command put into a hash. Is there a way to redirect that output that is more elegant than writing to a temp_file and then...
So I have the making's of a script that should work. But, i'm still missing the concept of how to set the value of the attribute. Any suggestions, Thanks!
Const SYNCHRONIZE = &h100000
strPath = "C:\Windows\Temp"
Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
So it looks like wmiAce.AccessMask needs to be used. I can see how to get the current value, but not sure how to set it. Any suggestions?
Const SYNCHRONIZE = &h100000
If wmiAce.AccessMask And SYNCHRONIZE > 0 Then
End If
--- You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you...
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to figure out how to script something that will go through a directory and reset the sychronization bit on a file. Looking at the fsecurity output below I need Sychonrize=1. Frankly I am not a windows programmer and am not sure how the subroutine should look. I would...
If I comment out the code that pastes the formula and run it twice I get two "PI name" columns, nothing more.
I also tried removing the "CurrentRegion" property and just using "entirecolumn." That also caused the #ref (same values) to be put everywhere. What was interesting is it seemed to...
Everything is referencing back to column A, which now contains a vlookup(#ref) in the formula
--- You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your tricks of war.
It simply overwrites all the existing fields of text with the vlookup reference. Example:
#REF (=VLOOKUP(F5,'[Center List.xls]Sheet1'!A$2:B$350,2,FALSE)
#REF (=VLOOKUP(F6,'[Center List.xls]Sheet1'!A$2:B$350,2,FALSE)...
Thanks, but that does the same thing. The results are a #REF in every cell in the sheet.
--- You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your tricks of war.
For this dataset is takes everything from A5-G80 and pastes the vlookup function in each cell. This is the entire worksheet expect the header.
--- You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your tricks of war.
The ".Parent.UsedRange" change seems to make everything freak out. Each cell in the entire spreadsheet is trying to use the lookup reference.
--- You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your tricks of war.
I agree with the blank rows statement, but it is not up to me. This silly report is generated from an ancient database that I do not have access to. These are generated for an entire department on a daily basis. I am just trying to make up for the lack of technological initiative available to...
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