I just recently joined here, so this is a bit late, but I wanted to throw this in.
We had the problem of all users in one sie always getting connected to the DFS share in a remote site. We followed the recommendations from http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;282071 for...
AT&T Came here on Friday, 10/1/04, to install a channel bank with 16 analogs and 8 DIDs.
It all went downhill after that. Needless to say, the NorStar MICS is working perfectly and never had a problem. The issue was with AT&T's switch & CPE programming and their modifications to my wiring plant.
During their first troubleshooting session last Friday (8 hours long), the AT&T tech altered the original wiring and reversed polarity on all 8 pairs of the cross-connects between the AT&T 66 block and the patch panel for my switch (swapped Tip & Ring).We are going for completely patchable for...
I justlet AT&T go. They proved to me that their inbound DID was working correctly.
I have three DID cards in that TM. I rotated the cards (with the system off) and the problem persists on all 3 cards.
Looks like I have 3 defective DID cards, or some obscure configuration option is causing the...
We did the test - we get fast busy. I am confused as to how that test would work. How does a regular butt-set send Wink-Start to the line to get a hand shake? Does it not need to ?
AT&T often uses the TA750 at the end of a DMS100 to deliver local service via loop start lines. We needed DID trunks, too, so they added two FXO cards(instead of FXS) to provide the DID service.
Has anyone seen this issue before or have suggestions?
System: NorStar MICS 4.0. In TM7 I have 3 DID cards.
All lines cfg as
Type=DID, Signal=WinkStart, Pool=Public, Mode=Tone , Auto Priv=Y.
The DID lines are coming off a an AdTran TA750 Channel Bank from two FXO cards running in DPT mode...
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