I'm looking to use Chase Paymentech/Netconnect credit cards with a MICROS 3700 system. What drivers are typically used for this - is there a specific Paymentech direct driver, or Universal parameters to use, or must I go through Merchant Link as the gateway?
Thanks for the replies!
I was getting a 1-3-3-1 beep pattern and a 1-1-1-1 short beep pattern. I looked up the Pheonix POST codes but the explanations didn't really line up with what I thought to be the case.
I did re-seat the memory in bank one with no resolution. However, seating the memory...
I have a couple of P1220 terminals that, when powered on, beep several times and won't POST. Green power light does come on. Any suggestions? I'm not too familiar with this hardware.
One terminal was actually on and functional. It was powered down properly then, when powered back on, exhibited...
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