I'm using Crystal Report 8.5. And recrystallize. Progress Database via ODBC Merant Datadirect 4.1 driver
I run reports and all is working well.
I compile the report and runs very well.
but if i recrystallize the report and try to see over the web it doesnt work. (work with one table but...
I'm using Crystal Report 8.5. And recrystallize. Progress Database via ODBC Merant Datadirect 4.1 driver
I run reports and all is working well.
I compile the report and runs very well.
but if i recrystallize the report and try to see over the web it doesnt work. (work with one table but...
I have a report with a subreport (unlinked) in the footer section.
I want to automate the exporting to excell. but i have some problems.
Any idea about how can I do this.
this is my code. it works for anothers reports with subreports but not mine.
Option Explicit
Private Sub...
try this.
open your mail software
run the program without the login to the mail server issue. i mean, yuor program only have to run the report and export to mail.
this way you will know if your error is in the mail or in the report
you can group by a formula.
then you can make a formula with the values that you need and then group by it.
if database.client_name="jack" or database.client_name="jill" then "1"
else "2"
with this i can make two groups that doesnt exist in...
in the format section
in the supress no drill you put this code(the top screen said section_visibility)
if PageNumber=2 then true else false
and you dont need a variable. the pagenumber its a varibale that exist for every reprot in crustal
i found this, may be it helps to you
for i = 1 to report.database.tables.count
report.database.tables(i).setlogoninfo server
name,databasename, user id, password
next i
*** you need to put the server name. databasename, user id and...
your report its capable to open the database and have a selection criteria , i think you dont need to do all the connection to database thing.
but if you want to change the database, or the selection criteria saved in report you only need to sepcify to the report the new selction or...
i dont know if it will be helpful but in asp you can use
formatnumber(number,-1,0,0,-1 ) and you will have comas and no decimals.
but in crystal and reporting. if you dont specify the format, when you run the report in crystal take the international configutaion of your pc and show it well...
yes just omit the next lines
and add this instead
with report.exportoptions
. formattype = crEFTPortableDocFormat
. diskfilename = app.path & "\report.pdf"
end with
report.export false...
I have a report with a subreport (unlinked) in the footer section.
I want to automate the exporting to excell. but i have some problems.
Any idea about how can I do this.
this is my code. it works for anothers reports with subreports but not mine.
Option Explicit
Private Sub...
you go to project menu and then click in componenet and then click in designers (dsr) tab and choose crystal report.
and lcick ok.
now go to the project menu again and see that its a new line that says add crystal report, click it and you will be using the RDC (Report Designer Component) It is...
I have a report with a subreport (unlinked) in the footer section.
I want to automate the exporting to excell. but i have some problems.
Any idea about how can I do this.
this is my code. it works for anothers reports with subreports but not mine.
Option Explicit
Private Sub...
the sintax for te printout method is
object.printout promptuser, number of copies, colalted, starpagenumber, stop page number
if you dont especify all the parameters may be you can be able to print.
if you want to print the report you must supress the
crviewer1.reportsource = report
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