Just an FYI - the net stop/net start just restarts the microsoft spooler service.
Like rebooting the computer would do, but without taking everything offline.
If the problem keeps happening, either a firmware or driver update is probably in order.
I've had a few where I've had to uninstall them...
Got it!
Turned out I hooked the printhead return spring to the long slot thingy instead of the hole in the arm.
Phone call had interrupted me originally when I was putting it together, and apparently I hastily hooked it to the wrong hole :(
So, I replaced the lights on the phaser 860. No problems there except the whole losing a bushing thing...
When I turned her on today (first time since putting her back together), the print is....well, not sticking, I guess.
A few splotches of ink on the page, nothing recognizable.
Oddly enough, it was the one on the left.
Decided the other day to just order the roller from Xerox, so I got's my replacement that way. Oh well, guess I've done dumber things before.
Just joined Tek-tips yesterday...Looks like a great place!
Anyway, I've got a phaser 860 with the blown halogen lamps. One of the other members here was kind enough to email me the instructions on removing & replacing them, which was great.
In the process, though...I did something stupid. On...
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