I found a solution from internet
here it is :
How To Boot Linux (Red Hat Fedora) Into Single User Mode Using Grub
2004-07-13 Jason Michael
After searching through Google on how to boot Linux (Fedora) into single user mode, I couldn't find any instructions...
Hi everyone
I have a new fedora 5 linux box. I forget the root password. During installation I have choosen default file systems installation ( boot file system and LVM partition).
I used a rescue cdrom to boot. but i cannot mount my lvm partitions to get access to the passwod file in...
thank you
A question about RPC over HTTP/HTTPS
I have only one server hosting the mailboxes store. Is it correct to configure the RPC over HTTP/HTTPS on that server ? is there any impact on the security or perfomance on my server ?
Hi everyone
we have win2003 network with Exchg2003/SP2.
Many of our employes works outside of the office and they use outlook/POP3 as client.
I need to force these employees to keep a copy of their messages (Sent&Received) in the mailbox store of the server.
I can do it from the client side...
Hi everyone
on my server I see the "SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION" folder. Is it important to back up it? if so, is there any special procedure to follow in order to restore it correctly ?.
If my server need to be restored, i will reinstall the win2003 server an restoring system state. so how and...
Hi everyone
on my server I see the "SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION" folder. Is it important to back up it? if so, is there any special procedure to follow in order to restore it correctly ?.
If my server need to be restored, i will reinstall the win2003 server an restoring system state. so how and...
Hi everyone
I do a full backup of my exchange 2003 every day. I Back up separately the Information store and D:\program files\exchsrvr folders.
so, recentley I got some warnings. my backup log file indicate that there is some files corrupted in d:\program files\exchsrvr\server.log ( see...
Thank you for your help !
I do it and i saw that from 049 until 058 are in pool b
is it possible to check what is the phone number associated to codes 049, 050,...,058
because we had more than 8 phone lines ( 12 exactley) and we contacted our phone provide to cut 4 lines.
So i need to know...
Hi Everyone
I have a problem on my norstar system phone I pay for 8 phone lines so i think that my pool B does not contain 8 lines.
So when just 3 persons are on calls the 4th cannot get free line ????
My question :
- how can i see what are the phone numbers included in my pool b
- how can...
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