Thanks Skip,
Luckily the last digits are only used for neagtive numbers, so that saves me a few steps. I started out with the suggestion that you have given, and thought may be there could be an easier solution. I fould a cobol solution on-line, but have no idea on how to adapt it to access...
I have a currency field in the above format, the last digit is an alpha character, that indicates a negative number. I do not know how to write sql statements, but if someone can help me with a simple replace query, where the last digit can be replaced by a digit that would be of great help...
When I open the text file in note pad, I do not see any character to identify end of line, or line feed.
I have to send the file to another company and the specs that they sent over, says that the last column should have a carriage return and/or line feed character.
I need to export a table that I created as a text file. The export specs requires the last column to contain a carriage return and/or line feed character.
I would apprecitate any help that some one out there can provide me.
I modified the query with only the required fields, now I don't get the error message, but the status is "NEW" for both criterias' i.e., when Enrolled is null, and when DeceasedDate has a date.
Thanks for working with me on this!!!
Thanks PHV,
But it did not work, I get an error message saying the expression is too complicated to evaluate.
I will have to try something else.
I am using Access 2007.
Thanks, but the Status column should either be null or have the deceased date in it
If both columns Deceased and Enrolled are null then "NEW", if Deceased has a Date, then Deceased Date, from Deceased column, else it should be null
IIf(IsNull([DeceasedDate]![qry Compare 2006]) And (IsNull([Enrolled]![qry Compare 2007])),"New",IIf([DeceasedDate]![qry Compare 2006]="*12*","DECEASED"))
The query is getting data from 2 other queries.
Query1 has member #s and deceased date
Query2 has member #s and other data...
I have a query that outputs duplicate records in a database, based on DOB and customer number. Due to data entry errors the same customer could have duplicate records, I need to print out this list out so that the names in the database can be fixed. I want to insert an index number to the...
I have a query that outputs duplicate records in a database, based on DOB and customer number. Due to data entry errors the same customer could have duplicate records, I need to print out this list out so that the names in the database can be fixed. I want to insert an index number to the...
I am trying to print query definitions through the Documeneter feature in Access and get the following error message.
"Applicaion-defined or Object-defined error"
I have compacted and repaired the database, and our IS person tells me that the full version of Access has been loaded.
If some one...
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