Hi I am creating query where by I want to pull out all customers who have option 1 and option 2 products. How do I achieve this? Any help is greatly appreciated. I have tried doing "option 1" And "option 2" but it returns no records when I know there are examples of what I am trying to find...
I have created a query which works fine but when I create a crosstab query using this query I get an error details below, any help would be great. The error is due to the fact I have built the query to pick the data of an employee depending on which employee is chosen on a button in a form (this...
I am trying to create a query which has an expression as one of the fields. The expression uses 3 other fields but I don't want to see all the other fields in the data returned as I want a summary. When I change the total to 'where' to the field 'Sales Stage' in the data returned I get...
I need to create an expression in an MS Access query to return values depending on the data in other fields, easy to achieve with IF statements in XL but new ball game in Access...
I need to achieve the following expression in a query:
If field 'Stage' has the word "Won" in part of it...
I have an expression: Actual Annual Renewal Value $: Sum(([Amount Lcl]))*12*1.868
I want to replace 1.868 with a reference to a table record. It will always reference the same field and same table record.
Lets say the table is called ex_rate and it is record 1.
Can anyone help pls...
Hi there,
I have a table saved which holds a customer's name and the account manager associated. In my form I want to pick a customer in one field and have the account manager field auto populated.
I have no idea how to do this, can anyone help?
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for info. Is this only possible from within a form? I am trying to achieve this when I run the query...
Any suggestions?
I have a select query which is created from a crosstab query. I want to add a parameter to the query but the usual [Enter xyz...] method in the criteria row of the query doesn't work, returning the following error msg: The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognise '[Enter XYZ]' as a...
I have a number of calculated fields in my query. How do I format the text to go red if is above or below a certain threshold say below 0 or above 100. I think I may have to add some code but have no idea where to start.
Can any one help?
I do not know how to create such a calculation, as the number of columns of data returned will vary depending on the number of months of data. Eg if there were two consecutive months of data there would be one variance column and two variance columns if there were 3 months worth. Can you...
I have created a cross tab query based on another query with the relevant fields which returns customers down the first column, months as column headings and sum of $ as the values.
I need to add a calculation field which works out month B less month A (variance) and does this for all...
I am trying to write a query which returns the data in such a way that it shows my customers down the column and months across the top so that I can compare how much a customer spends month on month. I need it to do this for all the months in my database, and including when new months are...
Is there a way to prevent the Non Admin users from viewing the LoginLog Table, as currently they are required to have read, update data and insert data privilages on this table. They are all users of the same user group.
I say this because I don't really want them to see who else is using...
Ok, I have made these changes, must be close now. The code looks like:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("LoginLog", dbForwardOnly)
rs!UserName = CurrentUser
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
However when I close the design view...
LoginLog table created with three fields:
UserName, LoginDate (defauult Now), Login Time (defauult Now).
Returns values such as: 03/11/2005 16:38:10
I can not see an option for Short Date only: Date/Time.
There is no primary key set.
Security is active on DB, username and login required...
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