hi cetin,
I have a form in which I search using the ID. Once I found the ID in the table there are title, artist which fills from the table. After the search operation I want to store the values of the form in a grid so I kept a button but not able to know how to pass the values from the text...
hi mike
I am using the read events and clear events in the main program
The code in the main program
on shutdown do cleanup in main.prg
set talk off
set deleted on
set exclusive off
set date to mdy
set status bar on
clear all
close all
** Turn...
By using project manager I used build option for creating the (.EXE). but when I go to the folder and open the .EXE file it just flashes. May I know what to do to overcome this
I have two tables one is oldtable which has 20000 records and other is new table .
I run the program and I am searching for the records which has more than one in the oldtable. If there is only one record I am displaying in the new table.and I am deleting from the oldtable if its been moved...
Hi Olaf,
If I want to search for 25 catalog numbers is it the same procedure...
i have a GUI in which I normally enter the catalog number. If I put all the catalog numbers in a text file suppose 30 catalog numbers. and if i give an option upload and search can i do in that way or is there any...
Hi Nifrabar
Thanks for the reply...
I used like this "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE MATCH(Catalog_no) AGAINST ('"+ALLTRIM(aIsbn13)+"')"...
So I was getting the record for one catalog number. what I was trying to do was in the same text box I would be entering the When I enter the catalog...
Hi Nifrabar,
I am using the SQL SELECT but I am able to retrive only one record but how to retrieve more than one record. I mean if I give five catalog numbers it should fetch the records from the database. any help would be appreciated.
Hi all,
I have a search field where I can search for one catalog using the catalog number. I enter for eg. 987654321 as catalog number and hit search it retreives me the record from the databas. But if I want to search more than one at a time.. how can I do it..
I have a database called nielupdate and i want to update the database. the rows which are undated are stored in a text file. so i need to update from the text file to the database. iam not able to do that ...
i have given the code which i used
I have table called orders and table called nielsen.
so iam searching for the catalog_no which is in table nielsen and ide to match in orders table so that they proceed for checkout.
before i used the table directly like this
IF DIST <> 'XX'...
I have a form in which i have title,publisher and artist and dates to select (from date) and (to date)
In my program i just gave a destination folder to save the data which is retrived. the retrived data goes to a table in the folder.
Can i save the table at run time by selecting the folder...
Hi jrbbldr,
Sorry for late reply i have a basic knowledge on foxpro..
i tried your code but iam not able to select the dates and when i select the dates iam not able to display the records from the table
Hi mike,
I have a form in in which i can search for title and a publisher and iam able to do that.. Every book has a published date so i have used olecontrol for the calender and i select a date from ... and date to... so i need to get the details of the books which were published in those...
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