Table 1 called order_line
Table 2 called c_order_line
Structures are identical with order_line storing live jobs & c_order_line storing historical jobs.
Can these 2 data sources be merged into 1 data source which can then be reported on. We use subreports at the minute but we would...
Our system for handling jobs has various tables associated with live jobs.
When a job is invoiced it is moved to history and the job is now stored in identically structured tables but with different names.
When reporting I have to write 2 reports to get information i.e current & history.
Thanks for response.
All of my info is in the group header of order_id.
The Yes or No in calculated on the group info not the detail.
All of the detail is suppressed, so I need to summarise the group headers.
I am attempting to work out whether we have attended a job when we said we would attend a job and calculate %'s from it.
I have 2 tables order_line and demand.
Order_line contains details of the job and Demand contains the activities carried out on the job (1 to many)
The attend by date is in...
I have created a report to produce an invoice to customers.
A Subreport produces the Invoice Address.
Due to human error etc people have entered the customer name into the 1st line of the invoice address which results in the customer name appearing twice in the address.
I have come up with...
I have created a report to produce an invoice to cusotmers.
A Subreport produces the Invoice Address.
Due to human error etc people have entered the customer name into the 1st line of the invoice address which results in the customer name appearing twice in the address.
I have come up with...
I have created a query with returns 2,000 records approx from one table.
I have created a subreport for each record which is linked to the main report and returns a SURVEY activity and a date.
I now want to pass the date value back to the main report using StoreDateVar and FetchDateVar.
I am attempting to evaluate date fields and enter "----" is blank or the actual date if not.
if year({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec}) = 1899 then "----" else
if isnull({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec}) then "----" else
if {insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec} = Date(0,0,0) then "----"...
I am attempting to retrieve an address from our new database
which is stored at address.address_1.
All of the address lines are stored in this one field and need to be extracted and entered onto my report so I can suppress blank sections.
I have successfully located the separator...
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