I would like to put a button on a page so that it will add the current site to the list of trusted sites in IE. can this be done from a web page and if so How?
If knowledge were power I would be a AAA battery!
I need to save form data to a different directory and text file based on a value from a dropdown list on a form. for example If the Physician name Smith is selected from the dropdown list and other form data is filled in I need to save it to d:\formdata\smith\formdate.txt the foldername would...
I am trying to use the code from this website "http://www.drdev.net/article11.asp" his db recid field is an autonumber field and he is using it as the where statement and it works just fine on his example I have been trying to get this to work for over a week now and can't seem to figure it...
here you go just change the color code as needed
put inside <tr> tag
<%if intRowColor = 1 Then
Response.Write "<TR bgcolor=""#FFFF99"">"
intRowColor = 1
Response.Write "<TR bgcolor=""#99CCFF"">"
intRowColor = 0
End if
If knowledge were power I would be a...
I tried your suggestions and Now I get this error
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
I can tell you That all three DB fields are number fields being updtaed by 2-Select menus and one of the fields being updated by a checkbox with a checked...
I keep getting this error when I submit any ideas on what is causing the error
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''''WHERE Jobnumber = '2940'
Here is the update code:
If Request("Submit") <> "" Then
varRecIDs = Replace(Request("hidRecIDs"), "*", "") ' remove all the...
Would the fact that it is a checkbox be the problem should it be some sort of a different update statement for a checkbox
If knowledge were power I would be a AAA battery!
The data type is Number for iPriorityLevel the checkbox is supposed to change it to 7 if checked it is also intially unchecked if current value of iprioritylevel is other than 7
If knowledge were power I would be a AAA battery!
Thanks for the response:
Now I get this error
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
manage1.asp, line 28
If knowledge were power I would be a AAA battery!
Syntax error in string in query expression '' WHERE JobNumber = 2940'.
manage1.asp, line 28
I keep Getting this above error when I submit any Ideas on what I am doing wrong Below is actual asp code
<!--#include file="Connections/RS1.asp" -->
I am using dreamweaver,s recordset builder screen so where do I put the code or what portion of code goes where or should I make this a stored procedure and call it
If knowledge were power I would be a AAA battery!
The session is (Session("Accesslevel"))
I use dreamweaver and vartran is a variable and the runtime value is currently set to (Session("Accesslevel")) I basically don't want to use (Session("Accesslevel")) as the runtime value if the session value is % I want to...
goto hotscripts.com and under asp section search for "spooky login" it is a great Script and will provide you with the type of functionality you are looking for. I use it all the time for my clients. it is very customizable and has very good documentation and support from the...
I guess it would depend on the type of ftp server as to if it will accept the login id in the url such as ftp://username:password@sitename.com if so I would just build a form to collect the username and password and use that as variables in a redirect statement.. I know this is not a technical...
I have an existing query as follows:
SELECT state, JobNumber, DictatorName, DictatorID, AssignTranID, dtComplete, dtAtTran, JobLength, lExtraStatus, iPriorityLevel
FROM Dictations
WHERE DictatorName like 'vardictator' AND state Like 'varradio' and AssignTranID like 'vartran'
Thanks that worked Great! Guys Like you are like the fireman of the programming world by pull people's butts out of a tight spot....
Thank again
If knowledge were power I would be a AAA battery!
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