Understand. I think I'll have to advise it is not readily reportable. We have a situation where an intermediate process is run periodically to extract certain data from the live master data base to create the ODBC data source from which the reports run. We will likely need to add this data...
PS. Really the date that the data in that ODBC data source was last modified....so I guess it would be the last modified date of the database...as you had in your question. rsf
Thks for the reply. Sorry for my ignorance, but I am not sure I understand your question. The data source I am using is defined on my local pc under System DSN in the ODBC data source administrator, under Control panel, Administrative Tools. I am just trying to provide the report viewer the...
Molby answered this question in April 04 with this simple macro for Excel.
Directory = "C:\Windows\"
Cells(x,1) = "Filename"
do while fil<>""
If fil<>"" then
End if
It worked great. Thanks Molby!!!!
Does anyone know of a means to export a list of file names with extensions in a particular folder under Windows XP, to an Exel spreadsheet or text file....one file name per row or text line? I.E. you would be converting a folder listing of file names viewed in Windows Explorer, to data records...
Thks for the tip Ido. My situation is slightly different.
Client has fields F1, F2, F3, F4 on each record in a table and they wish to group on them. The number of groups is determined by the number of distinct values appearing in any field F1 thru F4 anywhere in the data base table. E.G. if...
Running CR 9 on Windows XP, PC. Does anyone know of a way to repeat the same subreport a dynamic number of times, from a loop in the main report, changing only variable(s) in the main report for each loop which are shared into the subreport, to yield different results from the subreport each...
Help please, I am under a deadline. I am developing a simple report to run on CR ver 9. I want to display a logo image based on whatever the content of an image .bmp file is at the time the report is opened and run. I tried using an OLE Object, browsed to the .bmp file created with Paint...
I am developing a simple report to run on CR ver 9. I want to display a logo image based on whatever the content of an image .bmp file is at the time the report is opened and run. I tried using an OLE Object, browsed to the .bmp file created with Paint, selected Linked, and put the field on the...
Thanks very much for your posts. I found them very helpful. This is kind of crazy stuff to get your mind around the first few times. Have a great day. Rick
Brother! I should have had a cup of coffee before submitting that last response. I see your confusion, sorry. Let me explain. The desired report is as follows:
....where Activity.date is in [?fromdate to ?todate]
and Product.number is in [?fromprodn to ?toprodn]
Report the sales, oppt'y...
Good morning, thanks for your reply.
I am using the LOJ's because there are desired records in the primary tables, where the value of Sale.id, Opportunity.id, or Demo.id, may have no match to Product.id. I also forgot to indicate in my initial post that these tables are further linked as...
thks for the post, I'll think about that. May create mirror problems because of primary tables LOJ'd to Sale, Opportunity, and Demo. May help perfomance if I could select where Product.var in [x to y], then let it provide records from Sale, Opportunity, and Demo based on Product.id. I'll...
thks bill. Thats what I suspected. It makes managing the different variable names in other parts of the report challenging. One way I thought of is to put a formula in details a, before the looked-up fields are used in details b, that tests for the look-up alias used and assigns the looked up...
I am pretty new to CR running CR 9.2. Can you have multiple LOJ's to the same index field in a table used to lookup info to be associated with various other primary tables? e.g. look-up product data for a product.id, where the id is stored in other tables. The relationships might be:
Sale.id =...
I am pretty new to CR running CR 9.2. Can you have multiple LOJ's to the same index field in a table used to lookup info to be associated with various other primary tables? e.g. look-up product data for a product.id, where the id is stored in other tables. The relationships might be:
Sale.id =...
I am running CR 9.2 against a SQL Server db using ODBC.
I have 5 tables. I want to report fields from all five on the detail section of the report.
Activity.id field in primary table
links with LOJ to Sale.id field(indexed) in Sale table
& links with LOJ to Oppty.id field(indexed)in Oppty...
Thks for your reply. I am doing exactly that. I'll try to clarify my question.
My question pertains to when the user has selected say 3 reports to run, they all three place their respective output into the Main Report Preview and drilldown is not available on any of them. The user must first...
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