I think that this is works but i still having some troubles with the WHERE option of the SQL instruction because Record ID is located at column 0 of a combo box instead a text box (my mistake). Now, Record ID is a number but how does the SQL instruction change for a combo box ?
I need to select a recorset from a Table A and modify the value of one field. I have (previously stored in a text box)the "Record_Id "from the Table A where a want to go and perform a change in the field "Served". I´m using the navigations buttons to add new records to Table...
Yes, i mean the register stored on a specific table, i don´t know the name, but must be the system table.
The other question is regarding to the access project file. I mean, the access project files contains tables, forms, queries, reports, etc. My question is if it´s possible to have the...
I want to backup all the register on a table. Can anyone tell me how to do that ?
I want to know too if is possible to have the tables of a project on an differents files than the project files.
Thank you.
Thank you gol4, but i still have a problem. In the Form i set the control source of the text box TOTAL like this:
=[Forms]![invoice_detail]![invtotal], but i´m getting #Name?
as response. I have the sum on invtotal already but my now my problem is bring this value from the subform to the form...
I have a form called "invoice" and a subform called "invoice_detail". In the subform i have a TextBox called "subtotal" that
store the amount for each item of the invoice (is the result of multiply "quantity" by "price_unit". Now, what i want is...
Thank you LittleSmudge. I think that your first response is the clue because although i have the data in the combo box, i need to record it in Table B due this data may change in time and i need to have the value used in any time. So, i think that using the coding you used in your first...
Thank to blarson0 and taha60 for you response. But i´m still having the same problem but i think that is my fault. I forgot to tell you that i´m working with subforms, i mean, i´ve got a subform with a combo box which Row Source is a query from , let´s say , Table A. With the data of this query...
Thank to blarson0 and taha60 for you response. But i´m still having the same problem but i think that is my fault. I forgot to tell you that i´m workin with subforms, i mean, i´ve got a subform with a combo box which Row Source is a query from , let´s say , Table A. With the data of this query...
I have a form with differents text boxes, etc. I´m querying some information of three differents tables in order to show i.e product name, product codes, customer code, customer name, and product price. I want to give the option that the user can modify the product price or even stay the...
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