Have gotten to the bottom of it. Not the cleanest solution but seems to be OK.
The answer to my question above turned out to be
a = "<P><TABLE style=""BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;"
Thanks but am still trying to understand.
If I want the HTML <P><TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none;
stored as value A
What is the code? I have tried different variations on
a= ""<P><TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; ""
I am still having trouble with this. Where the HTML code includes " in the middle of it it still gives me an error "Expected: end of statement" just after the ".
Any thoughts on how to get around this?
Just need the default HTML code (few pages of it) stored somewhere where I can pick it...
I am trying to store HTML code in a memo field using the following code.
Me.LongDescription.Value = Me.HTM_WRK1 & Me.HTML_Desc1 & Me.HTM_WRK2 & Me.HTML_Desc2 & Me.HTM_WRK3 & Me.HTML_Desc3 & Me.HTM_WRK4
Where the HTML_Desc1, HTML_Desc2 and HTML_Desc3 are text boxes that users can enter...
I am designing a database to track and report touch football game results.
It will have 1 table for team details with Team ID as the primary key.
Another table for Results which I think will have
Game ID, Team ID, Points for, Points against, etc
But this would require results entered twice...
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