Can a button be used on a webpage which executes a macro when pressed?
I want to be able to be able to push information into an access database based on the specific button which is pressed.
This worked great... i did forget to add the year though and obviously i am also having a problem with it. This was my best guess... sorry.. pretty lame
StrQstr = "SELECT * from qryCSMCbyHourTTLS WHERE qryCSMCbyHourTTLS.qrymonth =" & PullMonth And "qryCSMCbyHourTTLS.qryyear =" & PullYear...
Pretty green to coding but i have a simular macro running in excel which does the same thing except the WHERE stmt compares the field to a date variable. In this case I'm trying to filter out records from an ACCESS query with a particular month found in a specific cell in excel. Once found it...
I have an excel 2003 SP3 spreadsheet which has a script that dumps data into Access 2003. This has been working great until the other day and now we get an error which when I go to references I see "Missing: MS ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-Diminentional) 6.0 Library" . I uncheck this and...
I need some guidance as how to best approach my form. I have two tables (example only)...
Table1 has a record for each hour of the day (Date, Hour,Factor)*Note: there is a factor for every hour
Table2 has random records which need to be matched with Table1 and calculations made (Date,Hour,Qty)...
The function is working wonderfully.. thanks. Now... can I use that textbox in a calculation? I've named the textbox "Last" and used it to multiple with another field but I get #Name?
I've got a report which is generated from a query. For each record in the query I calculate Qty * dollars. But there are records which will have 0 in the qty so I need to use the last known qty for the next records until the qty is no longer 0. The total dollars are summarized.
Not sure how...
I was not initially able to get your stmt to work. I checked the Addin module to see what it was showing me and all applicable addins were checked already but not loaded. To resolve this I added the following:
oApp.Application.AddIns("PI-DataLink").Installed = False...
I'm launching excel spreadsheets from a main menu in Access. These spreadsheets are key to data that gets entered into the database. I thought this would be easier for the user but I've discovered that some 3rd party addins don't get installed using this method.
After excel has launched i...
Okay... i changed the adcmdTable back to adCmdText and we have got rid of the error. I need to understand these parameters a bit better.
now i get "Item cannot be found in the collection to the requested name or ordinal" on the following stmt
Range(TargetCellC).Value = .Fields(onpeak)
ok... I have added
DIM newdt as string
newdt = Replace(CurrentDate,".","/")
StrQstr = "SELECT * from tblTriggerPrices WHERE fldDate = " & newdt& "#"
newdt does have 11/28/2007 but still get "Syntax error in FROM clause"
I also changed
Open StrQstr, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic...
I'm getting a compile error on your Replace Statement. I added "As String" on end and now get "Compile Error: Statement invalid outside type block"
I first tried changing the Cell where the CurrentDate comes from, to a custom format of 11/28/2007 but it still shows 11.28.2007 in CurrentDate...
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