Nevermind...just figured it out.
It was a stupid, stupid syntax error that took me 3+ hours to finally figure out!! Gotta love it...
Thank you to anyone who may have spent some time testing this out for me.
Hi all,
I have a combobox that shows multiple fields. I used the combobox wizard to create it because the source of these fields, 'Insert Table', is from a different table than the forms controlling table, 'Cutter Config Table', but I want the Insert_ID field from the recordset of the chosen...
Hi AlexMidd,
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I'm sorry for the confusion and my mistyping. Main_Stackup_Form is actually Stackup_Form.
My goal is to use the Cutter_ID of the of the Stackup_Forms current record (in the Stackup_Table), to populate a textbox on the same form with the Cutter_No...
Hi all,
I have an unbound text box, Cutter_No on the form Stackup_Form, which is populated by using a Select_Cutter_Form form. I then use a hidden text box, Cutter_Hidden, which is populated using the dlookup statement to convert this number into the associated primary key of...
Hi all,
I have designed a simple Access db and form for end-users that creates an Outlook task request. The only problem is that I do not want users to receive updates to these tasks and view the notes and progress of the task. Is there a way to programmatically turn off the "Keep an updated...
Thank you for the reply. I see the direction you are going, and it makes perfect sense. I'm having syntax errors though. It automatically takes away the () (ie. Call me.cutter_no_AfterUpdate, not AfterUpdate()). This produces an Compile error of method or data member not found. This...
Hi all,
I'm sure this is very simple, and I'm looking past the obvious. I have a command button that executes code to open a file browser. I then have a text box that populates with the chosen file path. This text box having it's value property changed via code and does not initiate the...
Thank you both for your posts. I will try-out both methods.
Joe -- I like your method, and using code is no problem. I am actually (believe it or not from my post) quite familiar with VB (although I have not had exposure to the nz function - a handy little one after looking it up...
Thank you both for your replies.
PHV -- I would prefer not to use comboboxes, as some of these fields could contain thousands of records. In addition, I have a form that they can launch in which to search for a particular value if need be (typically, the user will know this value though, and...
I know I'm missing something fairly simple here...
I have a form controlled by a table which has a foreign key to another table. I would like the user to input a value into a text box, and if that value is in the other table, place that primary key (the foreign key in the controlling table) as...
Hi PH,
Thank you for the reply. I don't necessarily want these to be comboboxes (although they are in other similar situations). I am referring to text boxes here; I have a makeshift search form (which will become more extensive after future revisions), which will populate the text boxes, or...
Hi All,
I have a relational database and am having issues that I'm guessing are easy to fix, I'm just overlooking the obvious answer. There is a main stackup table, that has attributes of a cutter id, holder id, and spindle id, which are foreign keys to respective tables for cuttters, holders...
vbajock and daltonvb,
I did end up using the recordsetclone method, I was unaware that it even existed! Thank you both much as I have solved my problem. I still don't know why my problem was occuring, but it doesn't matter now! Thanks again!
Hey all,
I'm encountering a logical error that's kind of difficult to explain, but i'll do my best. I have 3 forms in which to input data for an assembly. I have another form to input an assembly number, which in turn fills in the forms with the data from the records in 3 repective tables...
If you can't boot to a cd, try this: If you have a Win98 start-up disk (if not, make one), boot to dos, the at c:/, type c:/deltree windows (or just format c:/ if you want to format the whole drive). After windows is deleted, boot to the start-up disk with cd-rom support. After bootup, find...
Ok, thanks for the info guys. I just had just noticed that the enter even of a command button runs when I press the enter key. It's always good to learn more tips.
Hi all,
I have a form in which you type in a parameter, then I have a button which produces a report based on the parameter, and then closes the form. Everything works fine, and I have the code in the click event of the button. Although not totally necessary, I'd like to have it in the enter...
Your changes do exactly what I desired. Thank you so much for all your time you put forth to help me out, I really appreciate it. I'd give you more than one star if I could.
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