I too ran into the problem with Crystal 8.5. The only thing I could figure was that it had something to do with the printer setup, even though changing the printer didn't fix the problem. The printer originally used had been replaced.
I eventually had to rewrite the report (pain in...
Don't need the fake page headers for the sub-reports...I just want it on the first page of each...
The picture just literally disappears from the design environment. The outline is still there (if you click where the picture is, you see the OLE box), but the actual picture is gone...
Crystal 9
Win XP Pro
I have put three .jpg's on my on the main report and one each on two sub-reports. They are the same picture. The sub-report pics will occasionally disappear (and it's getting annoying now to keep replacing them :) ). I have both inserted a picture (from the...
You can also create a 'view' for the numbered table.
create or replace view StringContacts
(name, state, age)
select name, state, to_char(age)
from Contacts
When you pull in the StringContacts view to the report (instead of the Contacts table), you can now link 'age' to the other...
In Crystal 8.5, I could limit the amount of schemas listed when viewing tables/views by using the 'owner like' text to limit it to the the schema I want (don't have 8.5 open at the moment, so I can't tell you where the filter was).
Is there anything like that in Crystal 9? It takes over a...
Is there any way to have a report print to two seperate printers? For instance, we need one sub-report to go to one printer, and the next sub-report to go to a different printer...
We have tried to change the printer options from within a sub-report, but I believe the printer options are...
Is there a way to append to the WHERE clause that Crystal creates?
Our program is written in Visual C++, and we would like to cut back on the time it takes some of our reports to run.
We have functions from our UFLs in our record selection formula, so Crystal pulls all the data over and then...
Does Crystal allow you to search all report files to find a particular field?
For instance:
When a developer tells me he is changing or killing a field within a table, I need to search through 100+ reports to see if they use that particular field. Is there an add-on (or ability within...
SkipCox - I haven't looked for a FCC number. Can I look up the exact type of card by that?
Dakota81 - No, the video card doesn't display, or the monitor is too slow to show on the reboot...
cdogg - Unfortunately dxdiag also lists the card as 'Radeon 9600 series'. I'll take a look at Belarc...
I received what was supposed to be a Radeon 9600 Pro w/256MB of RAM , but there are no markings on the card to distiguish what kind of card it actually is (since I received it OEM). I have installed the latest Radeon 9600 series drivers, and unfortunately that doesn't tell me...
I have tried...
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