I'm tring to use this code on a page with column header sorting and page next/back. but I get an error
The value "" cannot be converted to a number
The Error Occurred in D:\wwwroot\PrintStreamTest\Profit_By_Customer\NextNIncludeBackNext.cfm: line 13
11 : <cfloop...
The only problem I was having was that when you tried to use the next, or goto a page it would go back to the default setting not hold the sort setting(URL). The linking on the header is loading the same page, but with the script it load but does not change the sort order, but will not load...
here is the code, I have been fooling with this for days, I can do the sort but when you sort and then try to go to page 2 etc, it goes by to the default sort,
This is the detail page, I have it keeping the session var from the summary page.
<cflock scope="session" throwontimeout="no"...
I need to run 3 access database, what we do is they are sch to run at night, they create copie of table we use for reporting on the next day. We do this because we found it is faster then accessing the the database during the day. I have 3 because 1 was to large. The problem is they are...
What I would like to be able to do is let who ever closes the data entry for the month to be able to change the date, maybe as part of an end of month process.
I want to set the data so if the date is < 03/31/05 in a record, you can not change any data in that record, you can look at it but not change it. How would I do this
I have a form that is being use to update a file, I placed an unbound control on it and will use this to look for the record to update. It founds the record if it is there fine, but if nomatch I want it to ret to the seach field. I put this code in the afterupdate event of the search...
weight1, weight2 and pmrate(this is the field witht he cost in it)are the fields in the table that i'm looking up
weight is the field you key into.
so you key the weight then lookup >= weight1 and <= weight2 move pmrate to cost field.
hope this helps
I need to use >= <= in a lookup, I'm not getting errors now but I get null. I have a weight1 and weight2 field which is the range fields, then on the form I have the weight, I need to check the weight1 and weight2 and get the cost for the weight from the table.
I'm using this in the...
Ok, I tried it with each one separate and they worked pasted below are the 2 that worked
DLookUp("[PMrate]","rategood","[Weight2] =" & [Forms]![rates]![weight])
DLookUp("[PMrate]","rategood","[Weight1] =" & [Forms]![rates]![weight])...
I took out the single quote and I dont get an error but it isnt doing anything now
=DLookUp("[PMRate]","RateGood","[Weight1] >=" & [Forms]![rates]![Weight] & " AND [Weight2] <= " & [Forms]![rates]![Weight] & "")
pmrate is the field I im pulling the looked up value from
weigth is the field on the form
weight1 is the lowest weigth on the same table as pmrate
weight2 is the highest weight on the same table as pmrate
the weight1 and 2 fields are single/general number 4 dec.
the pmrate is money
=DLookUp("[PMRate]","RateGood","[Weight1] >= '" & [Forms]![rates]![Weight] & "' AND [Weight2] <= '" & [Forms]![rates]![Weight] & "'")
ok I I pasted it just like you had it and got a name? error, put rates in place of myformname now I get Error...
=DLookUp("[PMrate]","rategood","weight1> =' " & Form!weight & " ' And weight2< =' " & Form!weight & " ' ")
Here is the lookup, I know it is just the " ' are in the wrong place
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